- VNCchannels 2.6
- VNCchannels 2.5
- VNCchannels 2.4
- VNCchannels 2.3
- VNCchannels 2.2
- VNCchannels 2.1
- VNCchannels 2.0
- VNCchannels 1.6
- VNCchannels 1.5
- VNCchannels 1.4
- VNCchannels 1.3
- VNCchannels 1.2
- VNCchannels 1.1
- VNCchannels 1.0
- VNCchannels 0.9 (beta)
VNCchannels 2.6
September 30. 2024
New Features:
- Drag and drop image files to the topic description while creating and editing a topic
- New icons for different topic types
- Open the Channel info by clicking on the avatar - this new feature offers a fast way to receive additional information about the selected channel and enhances the usability of VNCchannels
- Redesign of the file display in the Channel and Topic info panels
- Added more tooltips to the Channel/Topic side panel
- Renamed filter chips
- Improved the display of the subscribed badge for Channels and Topics
- Renamed the "Email to a friend" action to "Share via email"
- Removed the horizontal scroll bar when marking the Scheduled Topic checkbox while creating and editing a topic and added the new standard calendar design when editing a scheduled topic
- [Mobile] Fixed the display of the confirmation popup when trying to remove an Archived Channel via swapping
- [Mobile] Fixed the position and margin padding of the floating button
- [Mobile] Fixed the UI and the content of the 'Unarchive channel' confirmation module when trying to unarchive a Channel
- Added the missing 'clear' tooltip to the chips section in the sidebar search
- Reduced the width of the selection drop-downs in the filter section
- Updated the display of the icons on the green banner of unpublished Topics when creating a new channel
- Removed the user avatar in the participant section of the 'subscription invitation' module while creating and editing a Channel or Topic
- The display of subchannels on the detail page of the archived channels has been removed.
- Changed the background color of the Subchannel tile on the Channel detail page
- Fixed the alignment and removed the dots at the end of the file name in case of a maximized Topic info panel
- Fixed the UI of the 'Move to' and 'Clone to' modules
- Fixed the inactive account tooltip in the Channel and Topic info panels
- Updated translations on the Trash page
- Reduced the height of the emojis dropdown while creating and editing Channels
- Fixed updating of Channels
- Improved the 'clone topic' workflow
- Updated the UI of the hover state of the action panel component in side panel
- Fixed the display of the confirmation popup when restoring a Channel from the Trash folder
- Fixed the padding between the search input and invite participant(s) in the 'New Channel' popup
- Fixed the missing and wrong translations in Channels and Topics
- Added a blue border around image and video files when hovering over it while previewing
VNCchannels 2.5
January 19. 2024
New Features:
- Hierarchical channel browser, allowing users to view and organize channels within a nested structure
- [Mobile] Topic filters
- [Mobile] Enabled creation of all 4 Channel types
- Fixed the display of the 'Cancel', 'Apply', 'Today', Yesterday' and 'Custom Range' buttons in the Calendar of the Smartlink and Related Topics modules
- Fixed the display of the error message when adding unsupported files as user avatar while creating/editing a Channel or Topic
- Fixed the sorting of trash/archive Topic pages
- Fixed the alignment of the quill toolbar icons in the topic description
- [Mobile] Fixed the filter UI
- Fixed the navigation to the user profile who created/reposted the post
- [Mobile] Fixed the menu UI
- Fixed the cropping of the Channel name on the Channel listing page. Made it dynamic to adjust according to the free space
- Fixed the navigation to the comment section when opening a topic
- Fixed the alignment of the 'Share topic' labels on the Topic detail page
- Added the missing translation on the Channel archive page, on the info panel of archived channels and in the kebab menu of Channels
- Fixed the overlapping of the upload text and the arrow icon in the 'select avatar' module
- Fixed the removal of archived Topics
- Fixed the display of unpublished topics as blurry or faded in the Table view
- [Mobile] Fixed the kebab menu options for Channels and Topics when creating a Topic with attachments
- Fixed the navigation to the Trash channel page after removing an archived Channel
- Fixed the default and hover state of the Subchannel button and added a tooltip
VNCchannels 2.4
January 11. 2024
New Features:
- New Bulk Actions on the Channel detail page in the table view: Admins/moderators can now perform archive, delete, mark as read/unread and move operations on topics as bulk actions
- New option to display archived Channels in the mobile app
- [Mobile] New Trash folder for Channels and Topics to restore or delete the trashed Channels and Topics
- Set default avatar randomly from predefined images in case a user doesn't select an avatar for a new channel or new topic
- Updated the workflow to open files in different modules: PDF files in the PDF-viewer, office files in the onlyoffice viewer and images/videos/audios in the gallery/file-viewer
- Fixed the margins and paddings of the Channel detail page
- Updated the kebab menu for Topics on the Channel and Topic detail pages
- Removed the unnecessary scrollbar from the Trash folder
- Fixed the "Go back to parent channel" button in the green bar
- Updated the attachment menu on the Topic detail page and the cross (x) icon button alignment in the Tags section in the Create Topic and Edit Topic modules
- Fixed the notification display after clicking the "Mark all as read" button
- Fixed the cursor flickering in the 'Create New', 'Edit Channel' and Subchannel modules and the Subscribe Invitation popup
- [Mobile] Multiple clicks on the "Create" button triggered the creation of multiple Channels/Subchannels - fixed
- Fixed the user sorting in the Channel info panel
- Fixed the hover states for 'Copy link' and 'Forward via email' Topic sharing and added tooltips for X (Twitter), Facebook, Linked in, Email, and Copy link
- Fixed the display of the random default avatar while creating a new Channel
- Fixed the Topic link transmission when sending Related Topics to other users
- Fixed the navigation back to the Subchannel detail page after opening a topic from a trashed/archived subchannel
- [Mobile] Fixed the scrolling in the text box in the 'Send To' module
- Fixed the content alignment in the "Related Topic" popup if the related topic has a link at the bottom of the topic description
- Fixed the loading module on the Channel detail page
- Fixed the scroll bar visibility in the Topic info panel of Video Topics
- Display of newly added Related Topics in real-time
- Fixed the 'Send to' and 'Add external user' workflow of the Topic section
- Changed the Topic tile size on the Channel detail page
- Updated the UI of unpublished Topics on the Channel detail page
- Fixed the margins and paddings in the Topic side panel
- Added tooltip translations in the Topic description
- Fixed the smart object screen header alignment
- Removed the extra space in the moderator and participant sections of the Subscription invitation module while creating or editing a Channel/Subchannel or Topic
- Fixed the Subchannel header, hover/default state and tooltips
VNCchannels 2.3
January 03. 2024
New Features:
- Disable/enable comments functionality for Topic moderators and authors on the Topic detail page
- [Mobile] Topic preview
- [Mobile] Toolbar switch in the comment editor
- Fixed the "Edit Subchannel" button behavior
- Fixed the opening of Smartlinks
- Fixed the dispay of restored private channels
- Fixed the image slider behavior
- Fixed the display of archived Topics in the table view
- Fixed the date picker display
- Fixed the Channel detail page view settings
- Fixed the header display on the Channel detail page and Topic detail page
- Fixed the people counter display in the Channel and Topic info panels
- Removed the unnecessary horizontal scrollbar from the Related Topics section on the Topic info panel
- Fixed the removal of tags from the topic detail page
- Fixed the archived Topics counter in the Channels archive
- Fixed the display of multiple smart object icons when a user adds multiple smart objects to the topic description
- Fixed the height, width and padding of the archived Topic kebab menu
- Removed the duplicate of the "Copy Topic" option in the kebab menu
- [Mobile] Limited the display of "Highlight," "Sticky note," and "Reference," in Article Topics. Now, only the "Smartlink" option is displayed when the Article Topic is selected.
- Fixed the 'See More/See Less' button in the file upload section of Topics
- Fixed the Related Topic search results
- Fixed the margins and paddings between the components in the right-side panel of the create/edit topic module
- [Mobile | Android] Fixed the overlapping Smart Object tooltip
- Fixed the display of the (+) icon button in the Topic info panel
- Fixed the "Create Topic" tile display when no results were found after applying filters
- Fixed the Ascending/descending sorting of Topics in Archive and Trash
- Fixed the display of the date picker on the create smartlink module
- Fixed the scroll bar display in the users section of the Channel Info panel
VNCchannels 2.2
July 31. 2023
New Features:
- Share Topics via X, Facebook, LinkedIn, email, and copy topic link to the clipboard
- Improved the workflow for sharing topics with external users
- Updated the 'Clone Topic' option and moved it from the bottom of the context menu to the top
- [Mobile] Removed the option to create video topics by adding an invalid embedded video link, Smartlink and Stickynotes UI enhancements
- Fixed topic search filters to support German special characters like ü, ä, ö, etc.
- Fixed the file upload and the display of different file types when editing a topic
- Fixed various minor UI issues in channels and topics
- Fixed the snack bar display while/after downloading files
- Fixed the overlapping of topic names in the Related Topics section
- Fixed minor issues in the sticky notes
- Fixed the header sections of the topic detail page for Attachments, Related topics and Tags
- Fixed the subchannel redirection
- Fixed the fonts
- Fixed the list icon shadow and paddings for subchannels
- Fixed the display of smart objects
VNCchannels 2.1
June 08. 2023
New Features:
- New empty state in case there are no tags, new option for authors and moderators to disable comments for topics
- New chip to list only channels of the type "Intranet"
- Changes in the channels and topics info panel for the tab "Users", with search bar, user sorting, and a counter for active now / all users
- UI changes in the related topic module
- [Mobile] Updated the UI of the "schedule topic" date-time-picker fields
- UI updates for Files sections of the channel & topic info panel, use standard components
- Fixed the issue where the newly created channels were not appearing under the "My Channels" chip in a specific scenario
- Enhanced the table view for drafted and scheduled topics
- Fixed the dropdown position for the smartlink module
- Replaced PNG icons with SVG icons for channels mobile "+" button menu
- Fixed topic type dropdown UI issues in create/edit topic module
- Fixed the 'Author Name' formatting issue and subscribe icon placement.
- Fixed the comment counter flow and realtime visibility of comments for all topic participants.
- Fixed the issue where the "Subscribe Invitation" window was cut off at the bottom. It's now dynamic with respect to the screen size, ensuring a better user experience.
- Updated the skeleton loader and colors for sub-channels in channel listing panel.
- Fixed the sorting of topics by Publish Date and Author.
- Updated the table view of topics for Archived channels
- Updated the flow to fetch the list of topic authors in a channel
- Fixed the setting of the focus inside new topic/channel description field
- Meatballs icon button is not displayed if the user has selected only one category on smartlinks.
- Fixed the font-family and icon size for the side-panel sort menu in Archives screen
- The provided link is now validated before proceeding with loading the video (Video topic)
- Changed the German date format for topic listing in table view
- Fixed the issue where the comment editor field remained collapsed when a comment was quoted.
- Fixed the logic - Trashed and Archived channels / subchannels should not have create topic and create subchannel options.
- Fixed the banners for archived channels and sub-channels
- Removed double scrollbar from channels archive and trash
- Changed the chips size for channels in channel listing/ left panel.
- Changed the channel header padding
- Fixed the smartlink module width
- Fixed UI of topics section for Trash and Archives
VNCchannels 2.0
March 23. 2023
New Features:
- Hierarchical Channels with n levels of Channels and Sub-Channels
- Floating button to create a social post on each screen
- 'Send To...' option on the social profile page to share social profiles with others
- Feature for searching the IOM Channels. An IOM Channel is a Channel on a separate instance, where the user has permission to access.
- Add Topic button in Table view on the channel detail page
- Configurations in backend for bypassing authorization for public channels and requesting authorization for intranet channels access
- [IOM Channels] IOM Topics are now stored with the prefix 'iom' to make them unique
- Implemented rights and permissions for IOM channels and Topics
- Implemented and integrated multi/nth level hierarchical channels with the mobile apps
- Seek forward/backward functionality in channels for videos along with the seek-bar
- [Mobile] Loader on file attachment screen
- User name tooltips when hovering an avatar in the channel info panel
- Optimized flow when moving a Topic to a Channel
- Updated the general post size and post detail page size
- Display of empty state for filter chips updated
- Updated UI for comment section
- Added tooltips to the channel detail page viewer options and adjusted topic tile height in tile view
- Updated flow for add sub channel option to be only visible to authors and admins of IOM channels
- Updated links for attachments in IOM Channels and Topics
- Updated user rights and permissions to create topics in IOM channels
- Updated hovering over status for user avatars in the social module
- Updated the flow for posts to let the user copy a text without opening the post detail page
- Updated the flow for showing notifications
- Updated the date stamp behaviour of the social header
- Updated the Repost icon color for already reposted posts
- Updated the hover-state of the kebab menu in social posts
- Updated the saving flow for visited channels and topics
- Updated the flow for inline images to open in the gallery
- Updated and restricted the publish post field for manual input
- Placed all filters in a single column for a better responsive view
- [Mobile] Updated popups
- Updated the file browser for UI related changes
- [IOM Channels][API] - Only subscribed IOM channels are displayed under the IOM chip
- Update of pin/unpin channel icon and snackbar messages
- Fixed the display of the scrollbar
- Removed unnecessary space in the social header and added dividers in channel listing
- Fixed the UI in channels
- Fixed search highlights in channel and the spacing in social analytics
- [Mobile] Fixed minor channel issues
- Fixed the wrong reference counter
- [mobile] Fixed social design
- [Mobile] Fixed minor channel issues
- Fixed the broken default channel avatar
- [Mobile] Fixed the video topic creation
- Fixed the channels search results count
- Fixed minor issues from right-side panel in the Social module
- Fixed Channels and Social on SaaS
- Fixed the filters and sortings of the channel detail page
- Fixed icon shadow of the channel info panel
- [iPad] Fixed the sidebar resolution
- Fixed the 'create post' button in the responsive view
- Fixed and updated some minor tweaks of the social module
- Fixed the edit button hover state of the social profile avatar
- Fixed the deleted topic redirection
- Fixed the channel avatars to update and reflect in real-time
- Fixed the copy/paste popup on the topic description screen
- Fixed the UI of the 'make moderator' kebab menu
- Fixed the pagination of the Followings list in Social
- Fixed the topic view of the responsive view
- Fixed minor Channels and Social issues
- Fixed real-time updates for Followings listing in Social
- Fixed the Follow/Unfollow/Follow-Back button states for social in the notification panel
- Fixed channels search
- Fixed accordion UI for unpublished topics from channel detail page
- Fixed and removed the preview image from social posts on mentioned users
- Fixed alignment and post size on all social screens
- Fixed the missing topic author avatar
- Fixed the missing avatars in related topics
- Fixed the UI of the create topic module
- Fixed the topic view mode
- Fixed the webm video support in social and channels
- Removed the wrong message for analysis topics when selecting analysis topic from the plus button
- Fixed the Topic filters
- Updated date-time-stamps for German language in channels and topics
- Fixed channel and topic navigation issues for private channels and topics
- Fixed issues of filters for topics on the channels detail page
VNCchannels 1.6
January 18. 2022
New Features:
- [Mobile] VNCsocial functionality: microblogging and social networking feature which enables users to post and interact with social posts. Registered users can post, like, bookmark, reply to and repost social posts. All posts are presented in a chronological stream. Users can share more information and an Avatar picture in their profile. Users can follow each other. The VNCsocial activities such as post views, followers, reactions are visible in the Analytics tab.
- [Mobile] Smart objects (smartlink, reference, sticky notes, and highlight
- Unsplash image integration in the create/edit topic modules
- New flow to mention Channels and Topics in the Topic description using @channel and @topic keywords
- 'My Channels' tab in the Channel Chip menu
- Clone Topics
- Analytics view in the social module
- [Mobile] Analytics view
- Active and All users tab in the channel info panel, separate avatars for inactive users
- Trash feature for Channels and Topics
- Unsplash API for Unsplash image search support in the create/edit topic module
- Drag and drop for hero images
- Added checks to trim all white-spaces and carriage-returns if no other character in the topic description is added
- Unsplash APIs with VNCdirectory support
- Integrated action cable for store changes
- Group Chats in the 'Send To' module of Channels and Topics
- Scrolling in the stream view to navigate the user back to the last visited post
- Notification emails for comment and topic user mentions
- Loader icon in the 'create social post' module for images and local videos while uploading
- 'Load More' and 'New Posts' buttons in the Social Stream
- Blur effect and tooltip for inactive users in Channels, Topics, and the Social module
- Updated the flow for changing user roles
- Updated the Create Topic tile size in the grid and tile view of the responsive view
- Updated the Social post previews for chats
- Updated the flows for Archived Channels
- Updated the ESC button behavior to trigger the 'Discard Topic' popup
- Refactored Channel detail page at code level
- Refactored the code of the Social module, removed unused code
- Updated the repost link navigation
- Updated the storage for followers and followings
- Changed the Social posts' width to 880px in the Social module
- Updated the flow of the Video Topic's thumbnail generation
- Updated Global components in the Social module
- [Mobile] Removed the Social channel from the Channels' listing
- Updated the 'Change user role' workflow for active and inactive users
- Updated the cursor behavior when hovering Social posts
- Restricted the repost feature to one repost per post for every user
- Replaced the shadowed icons
- Updated the scrolling behavior for Social posts on the stream page
- Added margin for inline images
- Updated the image and video upload flows for Social posts
- Updated the flow for reposts
- Updated the store flow to change the follow/unfollow button states for searched users in real-time
- Increased the emoji modules height
- Updated the flow of the Create Social post module for images and local video attachments
- Removed the accordion view in case of not having any scheduled/unpublished posts
- Changed 'Topics' to 'Regular' and 'Topic type' to 'Regular Topic' in the filter chips on the Channel detail page and in the Create/Edit Topic module
- Updated the reposts flow
- Updated Social stream's top part to change the color when hovering
- Removed the resize icon from the left panel
- Updated the accordion (show/hide Social draft posts) in the Social stream
- Updated the URL preview in the Social post flow
- Updated the flow of click events in Social posts
- Added the Channel/Topic name to the unsubscribe Channel/Topic popups
- Updated the scroll flow for Social streams in case of navigating from other tabs
- Updated the post preview flow for URLs in the post description
- Fixed the shortened video URLs and video playing from a specific time
- Fixed the video upload and embedding
- Fixed various issues in the Smartlink module
- Fixed the border and send button hovering in the Social post stream screen
- Fixed the gallery routing for Social posts
- Fixed the toolbar's tooltip visibility in video topics
- Fixed the double divider in the Stream screen's header
- Fixed the user mention in Social posts
- Fixed the left Social panel view in the chat window
- Fixed the Social posts while clicking on the date time stamp
- Removed repetitive entries of followers and followings
- Fixed the fonts on the stream and post detail screens
- Fixed the Header image updating
- Fixed the reference object count
- Fixed the topic heading and description in the channel detail screen for all resolutions
- Fixed the create post module
- Fixed the profile popup visibility
- Fixed the flow to show/hide the Followers and Followings chips in the Notification center on the basis of the enabled/disabled Social module
- Fixed the URL behavior in the user's profile description
- Fixed the 'Send To' module text field adjustment
- Fixed the date range picker in the Analytics screen in the Social module
- Fixed the thumbnail URL for Social posts
- Fixed the disappearing scheduled posts in the stream and profile view
- Fixed the opening of shared social post links in the same app
- Removed unnecessary notification count calls
- Fixed the UI in the Social module
- Fixed the collapse/expand button alignment in the left panel
- Fixed various issues in the Channels and Social module
- Removed unnecessary API media calls when switching between All and Media tabs in the Stream screen
- Removed the user's own reposts from the stream screen
- Fixed various Social stream issues
- Fixed the theme effect coloring
- Fixed the Followers and Followings list display
- Fixed the profile popup position of the Social module
- Fixed the close icons of the create social post module
- Fixed the create post module UI
- Fixed the visibility of the user avatar in the Social module
- Fixed the repost bookmarks
- Fixed the create social post modules height for images
- Fixed the create/edit topic module sidebar
- Fixed the smart objects
- Fixed the maximize/minimize button of the smart object module
- Fixed the display of new posts
- Fixed the toolbar's tooltip overlapping the create/edit module
- Fixed the video topic thumbnails
- Fixed the removing of #tags from the Topic description
- Fixed the notification read/unread count flow
- Fixed the flow to view shared files in the same tab instead of opening in browser
- Fixed the header in the responsive view
- Fixed the post removal from the other users' end in case of original post deletion
- Fixed the responsive view for shared Social posts in the chat
- [Mobile] Fixed Related Objects
- Fixed the expand/collapse arrows in the left side bar
- Fixed the expanding of the right sidebar
- Fixed the recent post display in the stream view
- Fixed minor issues in the Social module
- Fixed minor issues on the Channel detail screen
- Fixed the channel header in the Trash module
- Fixed the right sidebar for Channels and Social
- Fixed the video topic view
- Fixed the font and alignment for the empty state search in Channels and Topics
- Fixed theURL preview for reposts
- Fixed the reposts' delay time from API side
- Fixed the display of scheduled posts in the stream
- Fixed the back button of the Social module
- Fixed the spacing of Topics on the Channel detail page
VNCchannels 1.5
October 28. 2021
New Features:
- Social Topics: Users can post images, videos and web-links and some text with a limit of up to 320 characters
- Sticky-notes for Topics
- Profile pages in the Social Live module
- Followers & Followings subscriptions in the Notification center
- Followings and Followers support in Live streams
- Added sidebar for user profiles
- #tags and @mentions in social posts
- [Mobile] Video topics
- Added routings to the Profile page from stream, bookmarks, and subscriptions
- [Mobile] Video support for video topics created from the Desktop and Web Clients
- Added a loader/spinner for file uploads to the social post module
- 'Send to...' functionality for posts in the Live module
- Profile sidebar for all screens in the Live module
- Schedule/draft social posts in social channels
- Profile popup in the Followings and Followers screen of the Live module
- Embed/upload video to regular topics from the local device
- Snackbar notification for file downloads
- Show listings, update, delete, and other actions for social posts in social channels
- Search field on the channel detail page
- [Mobile] create and send social posts in social channels
- Table View for Topics in Archives
- Browser for social posts in social channels to view attached files
- Quoted replies in social posts
- #tags functionality in the 'Send To' module
- #tags in comments
- Live stream functionality in the Social/Live module
- Added a 'Delete Post' option to the menu for the author of the post
- @mention functionality in social posts and comments/replies
- Smart links when hovering over a @user (display profile), trigger tag search when clicking a #tag, and show relevant tag results on hovering a #tag in the create/edit mode
- [Mobile] Post button in Social channels and Post detail screens
- Bookmarks page and related features in the Live module
- Repost functionality for posts in Live streams
- Integrated User Profile APIs
- Update posts and replies in Live streams in real-time
- Reply functionality for Social Posts
- Integrated User's posts APIs
- Profile popup on the stream screen
- Integrated user Profile APIs and updating the fields in real-time
- Updated the fonts for channel and topic names and descriptions in the Related Topics and the Smartlink module
- [Desktop Client] Updated the flow for smartlinks to open the previews in a new tab of the system's default web-browser
- Updated the channel sort order logic for channel listings in the left panel to show the last updated channel on top (under the pinned channels)
- Updated the user profile design in the Social Live module in the right sidebar
- Updated the clicking behavior for arrow and text to navigate the user to the previous screen from the post detail screen
- Updated the flow for creating posts: let the user add either image or video URL in a social post
- Changed the Sorting order of files to be descending by date in right side panel
- Updated the dotted-pagination behavior for posts having inline images
- Truncated unnecessary spaces in the create post module and post view
- Updated the notification design for social notifications
- Fixed the social channel's position on top in the channel listing under every chip except Private channel listing
- Updated the channel listing chips
- Updated the flow in social channels to show the last visited posts
- Updated the related topic / smartlink module: date and read/unread filter
- Updated the Social Channel's design
- Updated the CANCEL and SEND buttons font-family
- Updated the Create/Edit Social post design
- Updated the social post view for inline images
- Removed the Topic info option from the menu and the edit post option is now only available to the post author
- Updated the behavior of the Stream screen UI for different resolutions
- Changed "Send" button text to "Update" for editing social posts
- Updated the flow to load the avatars in the notification center
- Updated Topic related navigation changes
- Updated the Channel description screen for UI tweaks and flow changes
- Updated the image viewer/gallery behavior for different resolutions for social posts
- Improved the thumbnail loading time of files in the right-side panel
- Addet unsubscribe channel & topic popups
- Updated the header of the right side panel of the create/edit topic module
- Updated the Discard Topic popup
- Updated the gallery view for image display and controls
- Changed the label from "Analytics Topic" to "Analysis Topic"
- Removed the green banner from the channel detail screen when accessed via search
- Updated the fonts for topic listings in the search
- Updated the Files section in the right sidebar
- Updated the notification flow to be only received for subscribed entities
- Restricted social channels to appear in search results
- Restricted child replies in the gallery view of social posts
- Updated the mat-icons of various file types with custom icons
- Changed label from "Keyword" to "Highlight"
- Updated empty states for new/blank channels, channel access requests, and topic access requests
- Search icon removed from the header and added the search bar below the tabs
- Added a blank-space check for social posts to restrict users from sending empty/blank posts
- [Mobile] Added Qui editor's support
- Removed the # symbol from the chips listed under the Channels' tab
- Updated mockups for social channel related notifications
- Added validation in the post form to remove unnecessary extra carriage returns / next lines
- Updated the flow for notification centre chips to remain selected after page reload
- [Mobile] Disabled the Delete image functionality from gallery
- Added the change of the user count to show the "+" sign after the user count e.g, "7+" instead of "+7"
- Updated the logic for smart objects to support multiple references
- Updated the minimized view of an Analytical Topic for Remarks and Keywords
- Updated the height of the comment field
- Updated the logic of the read/unread notification count and for topics
- Updated the author avatar visibility flow and empty channels name field validation
- Added topic type icons with author avatar on the channel detail page and the topic detail page
- Updated the Channel detail page view and the Topic detail page view for video topics
- Updated the smart object creation logic to add support for smart objects in other elements, formatting, and tools
- Updated the create/edit social post module to be dynamic
- Updated the sidebar width for different resolutions
- Updated the smart object view in the minimized analysis topic view
- Added variables to enable/disable the Live module in the configurations
- Updated the channel's empty state screen
- Removed the Smartlink icon from the create/edit/reply social post text editor
- Updated the aspect ratio of inline images in social posts
- Added a back button to the Live module profile page
- Updated chat views for forwarded channels, topics, and mentions in the comments
- Updated the flow of creating thumbnails for topics
- Added a reply count for social posts
- Updated the action link panel for like/unlike objects
- Chenged name from Remarks to Reference
- [Mobile] Updated menus and social channel avatar, removed comment section for social posts
- Updated the clicking behavior for arrow and text both to navigate the user to the previous screen from post detail screen
- Changed heading from "Live" to "Social"
- Updated German translations in Channels
- Updated the left panel for Social streams
- Updated the gallery view for images in social posts
- Fixed various issues in the create/edit module of Video Topics
- [Mobile] Fixed various social channel issues
- [Mobile] Fixed the Send button and channel name validation
- Removed an unnecessary vertical scrollbar from the analysis topic body
- Fixed the display of draft posts in social channels
- Fixed the UI of right side bar
- Fixed the cross-platform notification count sync
- Fixed calendar view for schedule posts
- Fixed and restored the missing Related Topics section on the Topic detail page
- Fixed the download button in the right side panel
- Fixed various minor UI issues in channels
- Fixed the hover effect of the kebab menu on the Topic detail page
- Fixed the chat preview and redirection for forwarded social posts
- Fixed the behavior of topic filters to preserve state
- Fixed the Notification centre
- Fixed the Follow/Unfollow/Follow Back button navigation
- Fixed the flow to update the Channel detail page in real-time for the Topic read/unread behaviour
- Added Urdu language support in social posts
- Fixed the Channel field showing Social as selected channel
- Added tooltips to each option in the quil editor
- Added the missing Delete option in the Channel header's kebab menu
- Fixed the UI of the overlapping Upload and File text in the create/edit topic module
- Fixed the global snackbar component
- Fixed the video preview on the social post detail page
- Fixed various issues in channels and the social module
- Fixed the notification center's height
- Fixed the Topic Subject, Topic Description and advanced search filters of the topic detail page
- Fixed UI issues in the channel avatar module
- Fixed minor UI issues in the channel subscription invitation module
- Fixed the Files tab selection on right sidepanel of the channel and topic info view
- Fixed the social post editor's behavior
- Fixed the empty/blank posts by adding a blank-space check to the text field
- Fixed the Reference updating on the Topic detail page
- Fixed various smart object module related issues
- Updated the social post deletion snackbar notification
- Fixed the Topic's Schedule checkbox tap behavior and fixed the footer of the topic description screen
- Fixed the adding of smart objects to different formattings
- Fixed the #tag and @user mention dropdowns appearance
- Fixed the wrong file counter in the gallery
- Restricted smartlinks, keywords, sticky notes, and remarks to be added in an already formatted blockquote, code, ordered/unordered list, subscript, and superscript
- Fixed the number tags in the create/edit topic module
- Fixed the @user mention dropdown visibility in the comment field
- Fixed multiple sticky notes in a single object
- Fixed references resetted by smartlinks
- Removed an unnecessary gray line from the right side of the channels listing screen
- Fixed the missing channel name in the chat preview
- Fixed the smartlink initial search
- Fixed #tags with special characters
- Fixed the UI in social posts
- Fixed the social post redirection for files
- Fixed the flow to select only one chip from filters at a time
- Fixed the smartlink popup UI for video topics
- Fixed the missing toolbar icons
- Removed the grey background from the Channel detail page icons
- Fixed reference related issues in smart objects
- Fixed the Quil Editor in the comment field and 'send to' module
- Fixed the social channel creation by default for new organizations
- Fixed the Heart/Like icon hover color in the action panels
- Fixed the broken hero header and video topic chat preview
- Fixed the broken images in comments for chat previews
- Fixed various issues in social channes
- Fixed the Quil editor getting stuck
- Fixed the Embed URL field UI
- Fixed German translations in the Topic's Advanced Filters
- [Mobile] Fixed various minor channel issues
- Fixed various issues in the Social channel UI and social post module
- Added missing German translations
- Fixed the Topics' hero header image caching
- Fixed the tag dropdown closing when entering space key first
- Fixed the redirection in case of post deletion
- Fixed the redirection and missing avatars on the Followers & Followings page when accessed from Profile
- Fixed the Author sorting and added an 'x' sign to the Author column when applied sorting
- Fixed the display of tags with numbers in social posts and in their replies
- Fixed the routing for Live stream tabs
- Fixed the blank channel avatar
- Fixed the saving of multiple references
- Fixed the strike-through tool of the toolbar globally
- Added missing German translations and fixed minor translation-related UI issues
- Fixed the file loading in the channel info panel in the Files tab
- Removed the Social Channel from channel listing for web view
- Fixed the line-break/word-break in the social post editor
- Fixed various profile page issues
- Fixed the Private checkmark and updated the tags behavior
- Fixed the Live tab display
- Fixed the comments containing embedded video URLs
- Fixed the Follow/Unfollow buttons to update in real-time
- Removed an unnecessary scrollbar from the create social post module
- Fixed the double emoji icon appearing in the chat's input field due to the social post popup
- Fixed the blinking video preview in embedded videos
- Fixed repost previews containing images and video URLs
- Fixed reposted bookmarks appearing blank on the bookmarks page issue
- Fixed profile picture update for Social objects
- Restricted the API calls and removed unnecessary calls from hitting again and again
- Fixed the overlay effect of the notification count badge
- Fixed the disappearing thumbnail bar in the gallery
- Fixed the blurry images in the gallery
- Fixed the avatar reload
- Fixed the action panel
- Fixed the broken Schedule dropdown in the create/edit social post module
- Fixed the calendar position for Related Topics / SmartLinks
- Fixed the display of multiple sticky notes
- [Mobile] Removed the double notifications from the notification center
- Fixed the filter selection and reset behaviour of the topic detail page
- Fixed the cross platform read/unread topic count in real-time
- Fixed the Topics loading on the Channel detail page after applying the Video filter
- Fixed the References in the smart object module
- Fixed the font name at various places
- Updated social channel empty state messages
- Updated the header click behavior of the post detail page
- Fixed the display of embedded videos
- Fixed the Add Comment button in social posts
- Fixed the notification panel to remove the notifications of deleted child notifications
- Fixed the save/draft/schedule/update topic module
- Fixed the position of the dropdown in the topic filters
- Fixed the reply count for social posts
- Fixed the creation of social objects in Firefox
- Fixed the comment toolbars for all 3 levels of comments
- Fixed the rights access in the dropdown menu for files in the sidebar
VNCchannels 1.4
August 19. 2021
New Features:
- New Topic Type: Video
- New Topic Type "Analysis Topic": the *Analysis Topic* is a special type of Topic, which has similar functionalities as a regular Topic content type, but serves a different purpose. An Analysis Topic is a condensation of e.g. research texts, fact finding documents or comprehensive studies and has the goal to deliver a concise version of something, especially a text.
- Mark Channels as Favorites
- 'Schedule Topic' feature to publish a topic on a custom set future date automatically
- Attachment of Related Topics in the Topic creation module and on the Topic detail page
- Add tags and mentions in the Topic description
- [mobile] Tag-based-search
- Drag and drop area in the Files section of the create/edit topic module
- Added a status info in case no tags are attached to a Topic
- Global Mute settings include Channels now
- Visual audio waves in the file viewer for .mp3 files
- Internal search for the Channels detail screen
- 'Update avatar' menu in the info panel of Topics
- 'Group By' filter to list Topics by Author on the channel detail page
- Integrated the members API to social Channels to show users who have ever posted anything in social channel in the users tab
- Updated the 'Add topic' Tile design on the Topic detail page
- [mobile] Updated the text editors for comments, Channel description, and Topic description
- Updated the flow of adding tags to a Topic
- Updated the kebab menu of the file viewer
- Updated PDF viewer
- Added PDF icon for .pdf attachments
- Added a search-bar to the "Post Topic in Channel" dropdown and fixed UI issues
- Updated the search loader component in the left panel
- Improved comment adding in case of XMPP downtime
- Updated the font size of the text for Attachments, added heading for Tags and empty state for Tags on the Topic detail page
- Modified the Quill editor for inline image pasting
- Updated the Quil editor for smartlink integration
- Updated the 'Load More' button for Topic attachments
- Updated the file viewer flow to switch between files using the arrow keys from the keyboard
- Restricted several events for Archived channels and Archived Topics
- Update the side menu's click behavior
- Updated the collapse and expand buttons in the left panel with global components
- Updated the 'Sort by' Subscriptions menu in the Notification Centre with global components
- [mobile] Updated the flow of getting and showing notifications from the store instead of sending API requests each time
- Updated the default behavior of the scrollbar to stay hidden until the pointer is hovered
- Updated tooltips in the notification centre and the channel/topic info panel
- Changed the label name for video Topics
- Added a character limit to the tag length of the search to sustain the UI
- Fixed the comment counter of the Channel detail page and Topic detail page
- Restricted Remove user from Channel and Topic feature to be permission-based
- [mobile] Fixed the failed downloads due to not having any Download folder: the app now creates a Download folder if it doesn't already exist
- Removed the empty space from the Topic detail page
- Removed the empty space appearing after closing the search box on the Channels tab/screen
- Removed the unnecessary tags from the returned search results
- Fixed the focus handling for overlay screens like file viewer and add users screens
- Fixed comments issues for mentions, likes, and reply icons
- Fixed the distorted left panel in the returned search results
- Fixed the height of the topic tiles on the Channels detail page
- Fixed and replaced the empty toast messages with snackbar messages in the Participants List popup of Archived Channels
- Added the missing Unarchive channel icon in the archived Channel header menu
- Added the missing tick icon and adjusted it's position in the 'Sort by_ menu for archived Channels and Topics
- Fixed the archived Channels and Topic search
- Improved the Channels tab visibility in case internet disconnects
- Fixed the snackbar error message of the file size info
- Fixed minor Channel and Topic bugs
- Fixed the left & right margins of the file names in the right side panel
- Fixed the Topic attachment count
- Fixed the display of new topics on the Channel detail page
- [Desktop Client] Fixed the app freeze in case of opening and closing the file/image viewer
- Fixed the Files kebab menu in the right side menu
- Fixed the app freeze after opening the PDF viewer
- Removedthe unnecessary horizontal scrollbar from the Topic detail page
- Fixed the PDF file download
- Fixed the sidebar when switching the Channels and Topics
- Fixed the display of the sort icon and column title in the table view of the Topic detail page
- Fixed the Unread filter on the Topic detail page
- [mobile] Fixed the display of newly added tags
- Fixed the 'mark as read' functionality in the notification centre
- Fixed the MP3 stream playing
- Fixed the audio file viewer
- Removed the wrong popup appearing while hovering on the private Channel list
- Fixed Video Topic bugs
- Fixed the Channel's kebab menu for returned search results
- Fixed the chip colors in the left panel of the Channels list
- Fixed the Topic Preview screen while creating and editing a topic
- Fixed the Topic avatar in the info panel
- Fixed the quality of Channel avatars
- Fixed the action-links and check-marks in the subscription menu
- Fixed the file renaming in the info panels of Channels and Topics
- Fixed the related Topics popup
- Fixed the squeezed avatars in the notification centre
- Fixed the missing Topic avatars in the returned search results
- Fixed the Topic type flow
- Fixed the file viewer response for video files
- Typo fixes in regular Topics and video Topics
- Fixed the regular Topic and Video Topic filters
- Fixed the real-time updates of the Topic header stats
- Fixed the jumping cursor in the comment field while adding a colon in a comment
- Fixed the channel avatar update flow
- Fixed the notification jump delay time and comments not appearing in real-time
- Fixed embedded video thumbnails
- Fixed the topic header disappearing from the topic detail page in Video Topics
- Fixed redundant Social Channels in the channel list
- Fixed the cursor and auto-strikethrough after adding keywords, and the late response time in case of smartlinks
VNCchannels 1.3
July 06. 2021
New Features:
- [mobile] Default hero (header) image for topics
- [mobile] Search for Channels and Topics
- Filters and Sorting in Topics
- Table View for Topics on the channel detail page
- Push Notifications for Channels for various events
- Show notifications in groups in the notification center
- Skeleton loader on the channel detail page for topic tiles
- Share option in the Channels dropdown menu
- New button to reset applied topic filters
- Mark as read feature, empty state, and UI improvements in the Notification Centre
- Search highlight for Channels
- Starred and unread filters API in Smartlinks
- Optional field to add comments in the Forward/Send To module
- Updated the flow to open the notification tab in the General Settings module by clicking the Settings icon from the Notification Center
- Updated the flow to delete notifications in the notification center: Archive and Delete channels/Topics in real-time
- Updated the text of various notifications in the Notification Center
- Updated various components in Channels and Topics
- Updated the error handling error message in case of failed API requests for smartlinks
- Updated the flow to keep the CREATE and UPDATE Topic buttons disabled while an upload is in progress
- Various UI improvements in Channels and Topics
- Added different messages for Comment and Mention notifications in the notification center
- Updated the flows for Channels, Topics, and Comments to update in realtime for the same user and different browsers
- Updated the icons in the Channel and Topic dropdowns
- Updated the Comments design
- Updated various components for Topics and Channels
- Changed the file upload flow to upload big files in topic attachments
- Updated the editor icons of the Topic description screen
- [mobile] Updated the channels' drop-down icons and added an option to open the channel/topic menu via long tap
- Improved the Topic filters: translation keys, skeleton loader, empty state, and persistent filters for all Channels
- Improved the smartlink search field: empty by default
- Updated the 'Add Files' feature for Topics to be only seen and used by authors and moderators
- Updated the flow of the Channel detail page to keep the last visited topic in focus
- Updated the flow of the Channel tab to be selected by default when clicking on the Archive Channels option from the Settings dropdown menu
- Updated the flow to open the file viewer via clicking the topic attachments
- Updated the Preview button in the create topic screen to use an Action link component
- Replaced the menu items with the dropdown items instead of button components in the whole app
- Updated the + button in the left collapsed panel from round button to square button
- Updated the Topic filters to hide the text fields for non-text type filters
- Updated the flow to restrict API calls to use only when needed
- Updated the API to update the member role of users in a topic
- Updated the Create Topic flow for file uploading: Show more, Show less, and showing the last uploaded file on top
- Updated the smartlink preview behaviour to appear on hover instead of click, and hide the Save and Cancel buttons for non-admin users
- [mobile] Updated the Users screen to add/remove users; updated roles
- Updated the cable API calls to hit after every 50 seconds instead of 3 seconds
- Updated the behaviour of side panels to open and close depending on the screen
- Added German translations for various notifications in the Notification Center
- Replaced Channel chips (all channels, public, private, subscribed) with global components
- Fixed the dowload file flow
- Added missing Channel avatars in the search results
- Fixed the previews of Topic and Comment attachments
- Added avatars to the Users dropdown in the Topic's Author filter; UI adjustments
- Fixed the alignment of the "+" button on all pages
- Fixed the tile/list view drop-down on the topic detail page
- Fixed the Channels search
- Fixed the behaviour of the Subscribe/Unsubscribe Channel bell icon
- Fixed the channels' header kebab menu
- Fixed the role badge on the users' avatars in the Users tab
- Fixed the hero image in the Topic View mode
- Fixed the Topic tile view UI on the Channel detail page
- Fixed the Topic archiving
- FIxed the missing unarchived channels in the channel listing in the left panel
- Fixed the selected channel detail page view persistence for grid, tile, and table view
- Fixed the table view on the channel detail page
- Fixed the channel/topic reload on unarchiving
- Fixed the size of the user avatars in the Author Topic filter
- Fixed the unarchived channels display in the channel listing in the left panel
- Fixed the Search placeholder getting out of the search field
- Fixed the pagination in the comments to load more than 25 comments
- Fixed the inline images for comments
- Fixed the flow for Comment mentions to redirect to the topic
- Fixed the channels/topics/comments display: not get marked as new for the author
- Fixed the real time 'revoke access' action for private Channels and private Topics
- Fixed the 'add user avatar' behaviour for Channels and Topics in the info panel
- Fixed the real time revoke access action issues for private Channels and private Topics
- Fixed the right side bar's behaviour for channels and topics
- Removed unnecessary red-colored chips, horizontal scrollbar, and the gray extra space from the Channel listing left panel
- Fixed the Channel's and Topic's UI
- Fixed the topic description on the channel detail page
- Fixed the channel/topic reload issue on unarchiving
- Fixed the notification panel
- Fixed the read/unread count of objects updating in realtime
- Fixed the flow to open the channel/topic link in the same tab instead of opening a new tab
- Fixed the carrot icon placement below the right side info panel
- Fixed typo in "See more"
- Fixed the Mark as read/Unread counter in the notification center
- Fixed the grid placement for Topics on the channel detail page
- Fixed the display of options in the channels dropdowns from the left menu and the channel header
- Restricted the Channel avatars from reloading again during changes of the read/unread Topic counter
- Fixed translations/wording in the comments and mentions
- Fixed the Channel avatars: no reload when switching the Channel chips (all, private, public, subscribed)
- Fixed the read/unread counter for objects in real-time
- Restricted the channels/Topics/Comments APIs from being called more than once
- Fixed code type text formatting
- Fixed the inline image attachments showing as Topic covers
- Fixed the quoted comments
- Fixed the API failing due to access control for private Topics and Channels in smartlinks for a user not having access rights to private objects
- Minor UI fixes in Channels
- Fixed the Channel avatars in the Smartlink search
- Fixed the missing and broken channels' avatars in the smartlink search
- Fixed the API of the broken and blank Notification Center
- Fixed the Channels tab behaviour that was getting an active tab by default on network switching
- Fixed the Unsubscribe Channel icon
- [mobile] Fixed tapping the comment icon to jump to the comment section
- [mobile] Added the missing Create Topic "+" icon back in it's place
- [mobile] Fixed the tap behaviour of Topics in the Tile view
- [mobile] Fixed the navigation to related Topics
- [mobile] Fixed liking a Topic by tapping the heart icon
- [mobile] Fixed the sorting dropdown menu in the Files tab
- [mobile] Fixed the header tabs switch between Talk, Channels, Mentions, and Broadcast
- [mobile] Fixed the UI on the Channel info / Topic info screen of the Files tab
- [mobile] Fixed the Topic indicator behaviour for read Topics
- [mobile] Fixed the add user avatar behaviour for Channels and Topics in the info panel
- [mobile] Fixed the display of long URLs in the Topic title and Topic description
- [mobile] Fixed the display of inline image attachments and inline videos embedded in the Topic description
- [mobile] Layout improvements at the bottom of the Topic detail screen after the last comment
- [mobile] Fixed the badges: round badges for single digit counts and elliptic badges for double digits
- [mobile] fixed the placement of Channel avatars and other icons
- [mobile] Removed the tap effect from the heart icon and comment icon
- [mobile] Fixed the Channels' header kebab menu
- [mobile] Truncated long channel names to fix counter overlapping
- [mobile] Added the missing 'selected related objects' count in the header
- [mobile] Added the missing pagination on the related objects screen to load more than 25 entities
- [mobile] Fixed the UI distortion when clicking the comment icon
- [mobile] Fixed the Channels/Topics dropdowns
- [mobile] Fixed the tap behaviour of Topics in the tile view
- [mobile] Fixed the Channel's and Topic's UI in global components
- [mobile] Fixed the dowload file flow
- [mobile] Fixed the UI of the Related Objects screen
- [mobile] Fixed the check/uncheck behavior of related objects radio boxes
- [mobile] Fixed the file downloading flow to keep the downloads while staying in the app
- [mobile] Fixed the compose comment screen
- [mobile] Fixed the Topic Like/Unlike flow
- [mobile] Fixed the UI of the Channel/Topic info screen in the Files tab
- [mobile] Fixed the wrong comment counter on the Topic detail page and fixed the 3rd level comment display
- [mobile] Fixed the overlay effect that appears on clicking the + icon
- [mobile] Fixed the Channel detail page UI to show Topics correctly
- [mobile] Fixed the Channel and Topic avatars in the search results
- Fixed the Settings icon state, datepicker chip width, and placeholder
- Fixed the Channel avatar update module for icon visibility and avatar updating
- Fixed the real-time counter update of the selected files on deletion and addition in the right side pane
- Fixed the wrong ident format in ordered and unordered lists in the Topic description
- Fixed the failing Request Access API in the Channels
- Fixed the right-side panel update in real-time for files and the counter for additions or deletions
- Fixed the Unread chip filtering on the channel detail page
- Fixed components in the create/edit topic module and topic filters on the channel detail page
- Restricted the channel related API calls for disabled Cannel
- Fixed the user role assignment in Channels
- Fixed the + button colour updating with the theme colour
- Fixed the Channel chips alignment on smaller screens
- Fixed the File preview in the Topic details file attachments
- Fixed role icons in the Topics module
- Fixed the tags search field in the Topic filters
- Removed the unnecessary gray border from the Send button of the Email to a friend module that appears when a user wants to send a file to an external friend as email
VNCchannels 1.2
June 05. 2021
New Features:
- New VNCchannels mobile UI with updated icons, colors, fonts, spaces, top bar, tabs, chips and list view
- Smartlink Preview
- Smartlink preview with smartlink objects
- Option to add multiple smartlinks in one smartlink
- New UI in the Files tab: right side menu offers file search, multi-selection, sorting by topic, by date and by user, switch between list and grid view
- Advanced Search with various filters in Smartlinks
- Filter chips below the channels tab for public, private, subscribed, and all channels
- Tag based search
- New + topic tile on the Channels detail page to add new topics
- Added a "Send To" option to the file's context menu to send a file's URL via Chat, and "Email to a friend" to send files as email
- Sorting archived channels and topics by Username
- Updated popups for Unarchive channel, Unarchive topic, Participants, and a new kebab menu for the channel grid view
- New option in the right-sidebar to expand the right-side panel
- New image/file loader
- [Mobile] Updated the design of the Apps display and the logout popup
- Notification panel that appears on clicking the notification bell icon
- Updated the icons in the Channel's kebab menu
- Added a default header cover patterns for topics without header image
- Move public or private Topics from one public or private Channel to another Channel
- Separate channel list to show only subscribed Channels of the user
- New library to display video previews
- [Mobile] Create channels
- [Mobile] create new topics
- [Android] Topic view
- Smartlink menu for the Topic description: when selecting a text snippet a tooltip for smarlinks is displayed
- Integrated action cables so that every event reflects in real time everywhere
- Added a gray overlay effect to the Topic's header to distinguish the header from the Topic's body
- Smartlink preview
- Updated the Topic tile design to show on the channel detail page
- Updated the See more/less buttons in the Create/Edit Topic sidebar of hero (header) image/video and files list
- Updated the icons in the attached file's dropdown menu
- Updated the design to show 'load more comments', 'show/hide child comments' and 2nd and 3rd level comments
- Tooltip on the 'create new topic' tile; changed the behaviour to show the last visited channel selected by default while switching to the channels tab
- Updated the attachment icon for Comments
- Removed the drag and drop icons from the Files section
- Updated the channels menu design
- Updated the component for the Copy to clicpboard icon
- Updated file viewer's icons for videos
- Updated the icons in the Topic's kebab menu
- Updated the messages for mentioned users
- Changed the image loading behaviour by using a progressive image load technique
- Changed the flow for opening a forwarded link in the Desktop Client instead of the browser
- Updated the flow of the topic creation so now users can still create a topic in a public channel they are not subscribed to
- Updated the flow for topic tiles
- Changed the logic of the 'pin channel' mechanism and set the limit to 5 pinned channels while the most recent pinned channels are displayed at the top
- Fixed the updating of objects in smartlinks
- Fixed the display of inline images in web and desktop client
- Fixed the thumbnail display when opening from the File Preview of right side panel
- Fixed the position of the Disable Comments and Private checkboxes
- Fixed the display of stretched hero header images
- Fixed the redirection to other user's private topics
- Fixed the topic header display where a file containing special characters messed up the thumbnails
- Removed unnecessary files, members, and Invitations API calls while switching between topics
- Removed unnecessary API calls in case of pagination
- Fixed the child comments
- Removed the limit from the right-side panel to show as many files as available in the right-side panel in expanded view
- Fixed the right panel update after Channel unsubscription
- Fixed the HTML source formatting display in the Topic detail view
- Removed the character limit from the topic description field
- Fixed the URLs display in comments and now they appear as clickable
- Fixed the pagination for topic listing
- Removed a console error appearing on hovering the files in the right side panel
- Removed the unnecessary file number display and list from the bottom of the comments
- Fixed the links for private and public topics in file and comment attachments
- Fixed the broken inline images on the Related Topic's detail screen
- Removed unnecessary space from the create/edit topic modal
- Fixed the channels module visibility and channels creation on the frontend with corrected access rights
- Improved image quality for thumbnails of Topic's and comment's attachments
- Fixed the comment icon and comment counter
- Fixed the missing VNCtalk Archive button
- Fixed the display of the channels module according to the configurations set
- Fixed the visibility of the grid and tile icons in the channel header
- Fixed the virtual scrolling of the channel list in the left side panel
- Fixed the app freeze issue by restricting the max character limit of smartlinks
- Fixed the simple search for Channels and Topics
- Fixed the opening mechanism of the user profile in the users tab of the right side panel
- Fixed the layout of the tag container in the right side panel info tab
- Removed the unnecessary blank space from the bottom of the create/edit topic menu
- Fixed the adding of users as moderators in Channels
- Fixed the freezing while switching to/from a topic having a large description
- Fixed the Channels module visibility on front-end-side according to access rights
- [Mobile] fixed the missing topic cover, empty state message getting out of the screen, and screen becoming horizontally scrollable in case of long topic names
- Fixed the Channel name field alignment
- Fixed the height of the dropdown and search-bar size of the related topics
- Fixed the wrapper width for inline images
- Fixed the Channels visibility for members from the same organization
- Removed the background color from the avatars and made them round
- Fixed the image loading by adding a 'Load More...' button
- Fixed the display of related Topics in the create/edit topic menu
- [Android] Fixed the home page cutting from the edges
- [Android] fixed the description field after editing a topic and uploading topic header images
- Snackbar notification for lengthier (more than 255 characters long) Channel names
- Snackbar notification for lengthier (more than 255 characters long) Topic names
- Fixed the Search component
- Center aligned the numbers and using round badges for single numbers and oval badges for multiple numbers
- Fixed the click effect on the kebab menus
- Fixed the gray border appearing on every primary button
- Fixed the typo error in the file upload banner
- Added the hover state on the close button
- Fixed the components and font of the Reply button for comments
- Removed the unnecessary API call while switching channels
- Fixed the broken inline images in the edit mode, smaller size images, and broken images in the preview
- Fixed the stretched hero header image display
- [Mobile] Fixed the kebab menu in the channel header in case of lengthier channel names
VNCchannels 1.1
April 15. 2021
New Features:
- Image preview for hero header images of a Topic
- Banner with pagination and text highlighting for searched items
- Move topics from one channel to another
- Display of attached files in a grid below the topic body and comments
- Chat notifications for users mentioned in Topic's comments
- Option to link topics to each other
- File attachment feature for comments
- Option to copy links of Private Channels
- New indicators to differentiate between subscribed and unsubscribed Topics
- Option to rename files
- Listing and different view modes of archived Topics and Channels
- Detail screens for archived channels and topics
- Member popup window and unarchive options for channels and topics
- Anchors for Comment icons and the Comment Counter
- Move topic functionality for private Topics
- Added channel IDs to the Topic routes
- New file reorder feature in the create/edit Topics menu that reflects in the hero header of the topic
- New file context menu
- Updated the text editor design
- Updated the file upload flow and added a skeleton loader for uploads in progress
- Updated the People section in the right sidepanel
- Updated the hero header preview for videos with a bigger play button
- Hover effect on the Add button in the right sidepanel for Channels and Topics
- Improved 'Empty' Notification
- Updated the icons for the grid and list views of Topics
- Added a tick mark to the snackbar notifications
- Changed the default avatar
- Fixed the disappearing comments and restricted the mention list for private Topics
- Increased the embedded video size in the Create/Edit Topic modal and on the Topic details page
- Updated the button text of invitations
- Updated the file upload flow: restricted to max 5 files at once
- Changed the file download process: removed the popup window for a more seamless flow
- Changed the 'Create New Topic' modal to a full screen overlay instead of a popup
- Delete option in the kebab menu for Channels and Topics
- Updated the tag chip variables in the codebase
- Fixed the display of the comment counter in the Topic's grid/tile view when there are no comments available
- Updated the avatar's badge icon size to 10x10
- Truncated channel/topic names after 52 characters
- Resized the create channel and create topic icons
- Fixed the sorting order of the user list in the right sidebar
- Fixed the real-time update of the File tab in the right panel
- Fixed the channel and topic redirecting after page reload
- Fixed the behaviour of images in Topics inserted by copy and paste
- Improved upload handling of large image files
- Removed the extra vertical scrollbar from the subscription invitation modal
- Fixed the position of the quote tooltip
- Fixed the 'Edit Topic' functionality
- Fixed the avatar in the right sidebar info tab
- Improved the Search in Channels/Topics
- Center-aligned the user-count-badge in the People's section
- Fixed the UI of the info tab in the right sidepanel
- Improved auto-checking for empty messages in comments
- Aligned the Edit Channel modal to the create channel modal
- Fixed the create topic screen for long strings without spaces in the description field
- Removed the text formatting and images from the tile/grid preview of topics
- Fixed the display of files in the Edit Topic modal when editing Topics via the grid/tile view
- Fixed the Channel description updating mechanism in the right panel info tab while switching channels
- Fixed the overlapping avatars in the Users tab in right side panel [Safari browser]
- Fixed the 'move topic' functionality for public Topics
- Fixed the responsive view of the Topic create/edit modal in the right side panel
- Fixed the realtime update of the Users tab in right sidepanel of Topics and Channels
- Fixed the open chat windows when switching from Chat to Channels
- Fixed the user specific channels and topics in the simple search
- Fixed the 'like/unlike' functionality on the Topic details page
- Disallowed the selection of text in tabs, titles, empty state, and other places
- Fixed the comment display and related console errors
- Fixed the comment counter
- Fixed the margin/padding in the comments dropdown menu
- Fixed the long topic name handling in the right sidebar
- Removed the frame from the Avatars
- Fixed the file download and thumbnail previews in the files tab of the right sidepanel
- Removed the max-width attribute for inline image attachments
- Removed the Topic's API null (500) error from the browser's console
- Fixed the DestroyedView error in the browser's console
- [Desktop Client] Fixed the wrong URL generation in Channels and Topics
- Fixed the text and counter display in the left sidepanel
- Adjusted the UI for search results in Channels and Topics
- Fixed the Topic reordering by liking/disliking
- Fixed the thumbnail display
- Fixed the embedding of URLs in inline text
- Fixed the 'send to' functionality of Channels and Topics
- Restricted the header and inline attachments to image and video files only
- Fixed and enabled the text selection for Topic names, descriptions, and comments.
- Fixed the upload of header and inline attachments
- Added snackbar notification for missing permissions to create Channels and Topics
- Fixed the real-time update display of Topic names and descriptions on the Topic details page
VNCchannels 1.0
April 14. 2021
New Features:
- Topic read/unread count in the left side of the Channel list
- User mention functionality in Topic descriptions
- Simple search for Channels and Topics
- Made the Channels tab hide/show feature configurable in the config-file
- Functionality to add files from the context/kebab menu to a Topic
- Updated the style for the hero (header bar) image and Topic items
- Updated the tile-grid responsive view
- Changed the flow of the Channel deletion from dropdown/context-menu to Archive
- Updated the Channels list API to get the user specific total amount of unread Topics
- Fixed jenkins build issues
- Removed the URL display API in the Topic description from the right side bar
- Removed the HTML elements from the Channel header and the left side Channel list globally
- Fixed the colour of the Header and tabs according to the selected theme
- Fixed the responsive view of the comment text area in Channels
- [mobile] Hid the Channels tab
- Fixed the UI of the Subscribe invitation function of Channels and Topics
- Improved the display of inline-attachments in Topics
- Fixed the padding of the wrapper in the right-side bar
- Fixed the subscribe/unsubscribe avatar flickering and the Channel indexing in the left menu
- Added missing French translations
- Updated and fixed the Create Channel flow
- Removed the unnecessary scrollbar from the invitation dialogue
- Fixed the Channels & Topics UI bugs in case of theme application
- Shortened the the Tag chips display to 25 characters in the Topic Create/Edit module
- Fixed the display of long Channel names and descriptions in Channel header by using character limits and ellipsis
- Removed the unnecessary "x" sign from the tags in the right-side bar of Topics
- Implemented and fixed the routing in the Channels tab
- Fixed the topic description update handling on the details page
- Fixed the display of the group icon for group chats with uploaded avatar
- Fixed the UI in the Channel/Topic name in the right side bar below the Info tab in case of trimmed carriage returns
- Removed an extra search-channel API call when moving to the Channels tab
VNCchannels 0.9 (beta)
April 12. 2021
New Features:
- Topics feature
- Topic preview
- Operations to edit Topics
- 'Delete Topic' functionality
- Functionality to subscribe/unsubscribe to Channels
- Roles for members (moderator, participant) when inviting users to a Channel
- "Send to..." feature
- 'Send to' feature in the kebab menu of Topics and Channels
- Copy Link feature for Topics/Channels
- New functionality to archive Channels
- New option to archive Topics
- UI to display files and users within the selected topic/channel
- File/image grid preview in the 'create/edit Topic' menu with counter
- Quick search in the Channels with search box
- UI to display the Topic/Channel info in the right sidebar
- New 'mute/unmute' functionality for private and public Channels
- Added a colored dot to unread topics and improved the header style
- Implemented the 'Forward topic' feature
- Permission based option to add/remove members of topic/channels
- Tags for Channels and Topics
- Subscribe/Unsubscribe from private channels with different options for channel author, moderator or user
- Permission based edit/delete Channel/Topic functionality
- Pagination for Channel lists
- Pagination for topic lists in the channel details
- Pagination for Files and Users tabs of Topics in the right side panel
- Permission based functionality to create topics
- New UI to display files in selected Channels (integration of components and API)
- Integrated the top bar components in the UI
- New download and send to feature
- Channel detail list view
- New UI to display Topics with Channels
- UI to display files in selected Channels
- German language support for Channels and Topics
- 'Disable comments' feature for Topics
- Permission based handling of edit/delete comments
- 'Edit Topic' button to the Channel details
- File upload in the 'Create Topic' workflow
- New 'add/remove' functionality for attachments in the create/update Topics flow
- New option to delete Channels
- Option to create private Topics with file attachments
- Option to subscribe to Public Topics
- Added persistent layout changes
- French language support for Channels and Topics
- Edit topics functionality
- Updated the 'Create Topic' flow to invite users with role
- Improved performance by using compressed thumbnails for inline image attachments in the Topic description
- Updated the flow for the channel creation for mandatory fields: channel name and channel type (public/private)
- Flow to allow users to invite other users with user role while editing a Channel
- Position and style of the file upload drag & drop container
- Improved UI
- Fixed the Channel display
- Performance improvements
- Fixed the pin/unpin functionality of Channels
- Improved the routing to chats/calls when clicking on a notification while being in a Channel
- Fixed the tabs flow in the left sidebar in case of page reloads
- Removed an unnecessary scrollbar in the Topic creation menu
- Fixed the display of the Comments on the topic details page
- Removed Non-Header Files from the Hero Image
- Fixed the display of the Channels list in the left panel
- Fixed the display of the Channel description in the left side panel
- Fixed typos
- Fixed the file upload flow
- Fixed the overlapping left side panel when resizing the window
- Fixed the UI in the right-side panel
- Improvements in the header UI
- Display of Channels opened directly from the URL
- Improved the display of nested comments
- Performance improvements by using compressed images in Topics for inline image attachments
- Performance improvements when coming back from the Topic details to the Channel details screen