Easy steps
to get started
Be a part of the leading enterprise business software venture.
Apply as an associate
Tell us about your open source business software projects. Where do you see synergies with VNClagoon?
Join the VNCfactory
Get access to the VNCfactory. Your approved code will be embedded into VNClagoon, shared and distributed to VNC partners and customers.
Receive true monetization
You will not just get “free beer”. We make sure your software contribution will trigger sustainable revenues for you.
Do you want to be part of the leading enterprise business software venture on the planet? You live & love open source as much as we do? You believe that your contribution to open source deserves more than “just a free beer”? Then you are at the right place.
Your safe haven in the digital seas
VNC is committed to developing the world’s leading unified suite of enterprise communication and collaboration solutions.
Take your shared work and digital conversations to the next level with flexible integrated tools for seamless workflow and communications and end to end data protection of the highest level.

VNClagoon Communication & Collaboration Suite::
Safe, Proven, Secure, Flexible.
VNClagoon is a suite of integrated communication and collaboration solutions that enable you to think beyond boundaries to create a business environment that conforms to the way your organization works.
Our Technology Stack
These are the technologies we utilize to build the VNClagoon Product Suite
There are three layers of your VNClagoon platform:
Your Software as a Service, Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service, giving you every choice you need in regards of products used, platforms deployed and infrastructure utilized.
What kind of allies
are we looking for?
Be a part of the leading enterprise business software venture.
Individuals wanting to connect
You are a developer of outstanding (business) software? You want to connect and cooperate with smart people around the globe? We believe VNC is the right place for you!
Teams wanting to leverage their reach
You are a team of developers focused on open source based business software? You want to increase your reach and address new markets? Get connected with us – the leading virtual organisation!
Individuals wanting to join the VNC team
You are a developer of outstanding (business) software? You want to work as a freelancer or an employee in a stable and secure environment? We believe VNC is the organisation to join!
Start Your Application
Start your VNClagoon journey now. Work in a global virtual organisation, in a professional, interdisciplinary, intercultural team. Work on cutting edge technologies, where there is always a new challenge waiting for you. VNC follows the principle of “what would be perfect”, not “what could go wrong” – and values open, transparent communication and processes. Join us and develop the leading Open Source based business software stack.