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VNCchannels 2.6

September 30. 2024

New Features:

  1. Open the Channel info by clicking on the avatar - this new feature offers a fast way to receive additional information about the selected channel and enhances the usability of VNCchannels      
  2. New icons for different topic types
  3. Drag and drop image files to the topic description while creating and editing a topic  


  1. Redesign of the file display in the Channel and Topic info panels  
  2. Added more tooltips to the Channel/Topic side panel
  3. Renamed filter chips
  4. Improved the display of the subscribed badge for Channels and Topics
  5. Renamed the "Email to a friend" action to "Share via email"  
  6. Removed the horizontal scroll bar when marking the Scheduled Topic checkbox while creating and editing a topic and added the new standard calendar design when editing a scheduled topic


  1. [Mobile] Fixed the display of the confirmation popup when trying to remove an Archived Channel via swapping
  2. [Mobile] Fixed the position and margin padding of the floating button
  3. [Mobile] Fixed the UI and the content of the 'Unarchive channel' confirmation module when trying to unarchive a Channel
  4. Added the missing 'clear' tooltip to the chips section in the sidebar search
  5. Reduced the width of the selection drop-downs in the filter section  
  6. Updated the display of the icons on the green banner of unpublished Topics when creating a new channel  
  7. Removed the user avatar in the participant section of the 'subscription invitation' module while creating and editing a Channel or Topic
  8. The display of subchannels on the detail page of the archived channels has been removed.  
  9. Changed the background color of the Subchannel tile on the Channel detail page  
  10. Fixed the alignment and removed the dots at the end of the file name in case of a maximized Topic info panel  
  11. Fixed the UI of the 'Move to' and 'Clone to' modules
  12. Fixed the inactive account tooltip in the Channel and Topic info panels
  13. Updated translations on the Trash page  
  14. Reduced the height of the emojis dropdown while creating and editing Channels  
  15. Fixed updating of Channels
  16. Improved the 'clone topic' workflow  
  17. Updated the UI of the hover state of the action panel component in side panel
  18. Fixed the display of the confirmation popup when restoring a Channel from the Trash folder
  19. Fixed the padding between the search input and invite participant(s) in the 'New Channel' popup
  20. Fixed the missing and wrong translations in Channels and Topics
  21. Added a blue border around image and video files when hovering over it while previewing

VNCtalk 4.0.4

September 04. 2024

New Features:

  1. [Mobile] New Survey application now also on Mobile      
  2. New indicator dot for VNCpad documents: Whenever a user opens and edits a VNCpad, the indicator dot shows that this document has been updated. The indicator is visible for other users, the author is not shown an indicator for own updates. The indicator is removed after a user opened the respective pad. Please note that this indicator is individual for each user, so if there is a doc update in a group chat we have the following case: User A updated VNCpad = he doesn't see an indicator as it is his own update.  Users B, C = they see the indicator.  User B = opened a pad, the indicator is now removed for user B, user C still sees an indicator until he opens the pad.           
  3. New Search for files within the global search. Granular search options for e.g. file type (documents, images, audio, video, ...) and size.    
  4. New Search for emails in the global search  
  5. Showing contact info on hovering the contact in the search results  
  6. New integrated UI to create VNCproject tickets from the own user profile as a popup.  
  7. New message to indicate the empty state when opening empty folders in the cloud storage  
  8. [Mobile] New reply options to incoming calls on mobile - selection from predefined responses and option to send a custom message      
  9. New loader in the notification center    
  10. Kebab menu with additional options in the profile side bar
  11. Double click on image preview to set the default view  


  1. [iOS] Improved call UI  
  2. Improved the display of the mini chat options during calls to switch between user chats  
  3. Improved the file message UI  
  4. Updated the UI for new messages and broadcast messages in calls  
  5. [Mobile] Improved the search in the media tab
  6. [Mobile] Improved the user profile dialog  
  7. Improved the header UI of the notification center
  8. Updated the browser tab icon  
  9. Updated the UI of the screen share pop up  
  10. Added a tooltip to the check icon and updated the mark all as read icon  
  11. Updated the upload progress bar for voice messages and files
  12. Added tooltips to the close icon in popups  
  13. Added avatar size change while scrolling the profile side bar  
  14. Moved the audio options from the global settings to the audio/video settings  
  15. Improved the add participant UI in the group chat pop up
  16. Optimized the UI of the connection display    
  17. Enhanced the hover state and UI of the edit group name popup  
  18. Added smooth transition animations to all input labels
  19. Improved the archive chat logic
  20. Sending of messages on enter in the RTF editor in minimized view      
  21. Added tool tip to inactive chat tabs


  1. [Mobile] Fixed the activating of the keyboard on entering a conversation
  2. [Mobile] Fixed the display of the snack bar position
  3. [Mobile] Fixed the display of the user typing notification  
  4. [Mobile] Fixed the emoji picker
  5. Fixed the display of the broadcast header menu bar  
  6. Fixed the toaster message text after editing the chat history settings
  7. Fixed the file format icon preview
  8. Fixed the electron installation from snap
  9. Fixed the animation of the right side panel  
  10. Fixed the Profile avatar upload popup  
  11. Fixed the ringtone selection UI  
  12. Fixed the participants drop down UI  
  13. Fixed the renaming of VNCpads
  14. Fixing the automatical unarchiving of chats when user sends a message in the chat  
  15. Fixed the display of the emoji panel
  16. Fixed the icons in the notification center
  17. Fixed the author filter in the global search
  18. Fixed the forwarding of images/files from the preview browser
  19. Enhanced the opening of the document file preview from the sidebar panel  
  20. Fixed the text alignment in the drop down menu of the file browser
  21. [Electron] Fixed the task search
  22. Fixed the switching of tile views in a call  
  23. Removed the scrolling from the VNCproject ticket preview  
  24. Fixed the display of archive icons
  25. Fixed the jumping typing indicator in the chat message  
  26. Fixed the animated file loading strip position and styling  
  27. Fixed the unread message counter after unarchiving a group chat
  28. Fixed the display of the online status without chat switch  
  29. Fixed the video recording feature
  30. [Mobile] Fixed date picker in the contact filter
  31. [Mobile] Fixed the display of the avatar and select participants list
  32. Fixed the skeleton loader UI
  33. Fixed the display of the group chat names in the chat search screen
  34. Fixed the display of the right side panel's header
  35. Fixed the display of the broadcast message info and message reactions in chat bubbles
  36. Fixed the info text translations in the recent chat list
  37. Fixed the image preview screen when switching between gallery and stripe mode
  38. Fixed the video recording UI
  39. Fixed the display of the heart emoji in chat bubbles
  40. Fixed the settings screen pop-up on low resolution screens
  41. Fixed the VNCproject ticket preview  
  42. [Mobile] Fixed the call UI and audio device detection  
  43. Improved the app performance

VNCcrm 1.2.7

May 14. 2024

New Features:

  1. Added the CRM-Watcher, which activates the CRM functionality of the respective project with three different roles in the CRM  


  1. Fixed the search field and the dropdown menu on the 'New Query' page

VNCmail 3.1

May 13. 2024

New Features:

  1. "Propose New Time" functionality for received appointment invitations    
  2. New feature to open e-mails in separate tabs.    
  3. Implemented logic for expanding and collapsing the attachment section  
  4. [Mobile] Added a loader animation for loading emails
  5. [Offline] Implemented plus icon for participants and email configure option    


  1. Improved the UI of the event preview in VNCcalendar
  2. Updated the drag and drop UI for single and multiple e-mail selection and the calendar UI      
  3. Updated UI for move to folder and create new folder pop up  
  4. Improved converting of MDL dialog, MDL select to Mat  
  5. Added standard snackbar component in VNCmail and applied globally for all notifications.  
  6. Added new loading UI in mail list panel  
  7. Improved the auto complete UI  
  8. Improved the quick filter search  
  9. Optimized VNCmail UI - tags are now collapsed by default  
  10. Updated the global search default date from "set to "Last 30 days" to "all times"  
  11. Optimized advanced search for contacts in VNCmail (SOLR)    


  1. Fixed the total count and unread mail numbers display in header (German)
  2. Fixed the attachment synchronisation and preview in offline mode
  3. Updated spaces and formatting in the appointment preview  
  4. [Mobile] Fixed the UI of the preferences layout in the profile menu (overlapping text)  
  5. Fixed the display of the detail view for the last read email
  6. [Mobile|Android] Fixed the opening of the app from FCM notifications  
  7. Fixed the import of data from vcard attachments
  8. Fixed the opening of the right side bar  
  9. Fixed the background operations
  10. Updated the select email drop down UI
  11. Fixed the storage of address data  
  12. [Mobile] Fixed the display of the read/unread indicator  
  13. [Desktop Client] Fixed the contact handling  
  14. Fixed the display of the toaster message on search, if you accidentally used only the introducing quotation marks "
  15. Updated the edit contact flow in VNCmail  

VNCtalk 4.0.2

February 05. 2024

New Features:

  1. Flexible grid view  
  2. New UI for broadcasts
  3. Selectable Chat backgrounds
  4. Option to jump to files in the chat history from the file browser
  5. Right stripe view for screensharing sessions to the call screen  
  6. [Mobile] Added star icon to the search screen to search in favorite messages only
  7. Snackbar message when a participant is removed from a group chat
  8. New global user preview
  9. Inline editing for video meeting titles
  10. 'Clear' tooltip on the 'delete text' button in the search field
  11. Added a task filter chip to the global search  
  12. [Mobile] Added date picker to the search screen  
  13. New workflow: switch to floating screen view on double click in video conferences  
  14. Tool tips for 'close' icons in the recent chat list and search field
  15. Full screen mode for files in landscape mode


  1. Improved the display of the meeting date and time in the meeting info in the right panel
  2. Improved UI of the no messages notification in one-one or group chats  
  3. Updated the display of the mention chip results  
  4. Updated the screen share window for the presenter
  5. Updated the display of the full screen chat view
  6. Updated the UI of the mention banner  
  7. Updated the UI of the left sidebar search in chats and contacts  
  8. Improved the empty state screens for VNCpads and surveys  
  9. Improved the the search form UI
  10. [Electron] Updated the screen share pop up UI
  11. Changed the call workflow to provide direct and scheduled calls  
  12. UI improvements in the group chat participants drop down
  13. Added tooltips to the action panel component  
  14. Improved the display of the chat bubble metadata  
  15. Updated the sidebar messages status
  16. Updated the default, hover and active status of the call icons
  17. Fixed the version and the ticket previews
  18. Updated the date selector UI and added a new date picker  
  19. Improved the call UI  
  20. Updated the owncloud integration handling  
  21. Replaced the VNCtask icon in the chat bubble kebab menu  
  22. Updated the UI of the user preview stripe


  1. Fixed the display of high resolution avatar images  
  2. Fixed the flickering in screen share sessions
  3. Fixed the file search results in the advanced search  
  4. Fixed the tooltip text of the 'change view' option of the call screen
  5. Fixed the display of the blocked contact list in the right sidebar
  6. [Mobile | Android] Fixed the file sharing
  7. Fixed the option to check for app updates
  8. Fixed the kebab menu position in the chat list and the chat search after click  
  9. Fixed the updating of the conversation state when a mention message is deleted  
  10. Fixed the message height calculation of the virtual scrolling  
  11. Fixed the message loading
  12. [Mobile | Android] Fixed the dial tone
  13. Improved the UI of the edit public link popup  

VNCchannels 2.5

January 19. 2024

New Features:

  1. Hierarchical channel browser, allowing users to view and organize channels within a nested structure
  2. [Mobile] Topic filters


  1. [Mobile] Enabled creation of all 4 Channel types


  1. Added the missing translation on the Channel archive page, on the info panel of archived channels and in the kebab menu of Channels    
  2. Fixed the alignment of the 'Share topic' labels on the Topic detail page
  3. Fixed the navigation to the comment section when opening a topic  
  4. [Mobile] Fixed the kebab menu options for Channels and Topics when creating a Topic with attachments
  5. Fixed the cropping of the Channel name on the Channel listing page. Made it dynamic to adjust according to the free space  
  6. [Mobile] Fixed the menu UI
  7. Fixed the navigation to the user profile who created/reposted the post
  8. [Mobile] Fixed the filter UI
  9. Fixed the alignment of the quill toolbar icons in the topic description  
  10. Fixed the sorting of trash/archive Topic pages
  11. Fixed the display of the error message when adding unsupported files as user avatar while creating/editing a Channel or Topic  
  12. Fixed the display of the 'Cancel', 'Apply', 'Today', Yesterday' and 'Custom Range' buttons in the Calendar of the Smartlink and Related Topics modules  
  13. Fixed the navigation to the Trash channel page after removing an archived Channel
  14. Fixed the default and hover state of the Subchannel button and added a tooltip
  15. Fixed the removal of archived Topics
  16. Fixed the display of unpublished topics as blurry or faded in the Table view
  17. Fixed the overlapping of the upload text and the arrow icon in the 'select avatar' module

VNCcrm 1.2.4

January 12. 2024

New Features:

  1. Calendar module: Drag and drop to move activities and opportunities


  1. Fixed the PDF export
  2. Fixed the display of checkmarks in all dropdowns
  3. Fixed the alignment of the search and the cross icons in the search bar

VNCchannels 2.4

January 11. 2024

New Features:

  1. New Bulk Actions on the Channel detail page in the table view: Admins/moderators can now perform archive, delete, mark as read/unread and move operations on topics as bulk actions    
  2. New option to display archived Channels in the mobile app      
  3. [Mobile] New Trash folder for Channels and Topics to restore or delete the trashed Channels and Topics  
  4. Set default avatar randomly from predefined images in case a user doesn't select an avatar for a new channel or new topic  


  1. Updated the workflow to open files in different modules: PDF files in the PDF-viewer, office files in the onlyoffice viewer and images/videos/audios in the gallery/file-viewer


  1. Fixed the margins and paddings of the Channel detail page  
  2. Updated the kebab menu for Topics on the Channel and Topic detail pages  
  3. Removed the unnecessary scrollbar from the Trash folder
  4. Fixed the "Go back to parent channel" button in the green bar
  5. Updated the attachment menu on the Topic detail page and the cross (x) icon button alignment in the Tags section in the Create Topic and Edit Topic modules    
  6. Fixed the notification display after clicking the "Mark all as read" button
  7. Fixed the cursor flickering in the 'Create New', 'Edit Channel' and Subchannel modules and the Subscribe Invitation popup
  8. [Mobile] Multiple clicks on the "Create" button triggered the creation of multiple Channels/Subchannels - fixed  
  9. Fixed the user sorting in the Channel info panel
  10. Fixed the hover states for 'Copy link' and 'Forward via email' Topic sharing and added tooltips for X (Twitter), Facebook, Linked in, Email, and Copy link
  11. Fixed the display of the random default avatar while creating a new Channel
  12. Fixed the Topic link transmission when sending Related Topics to other users
  13. Fixed the navigation back to the Subchannel detail page after opening a topic from a trashed/archived subchannel
  14. [Mobile] Fixed the scrolling in the text box in the 'Send To' module    
  15. Fixed the content alignment in the "Related Topic" popup if the related topic has a link at the bottom of the topic description
  16. Fixed the loading module on the Channel detail page
  17. Fixed the scroll bar visibility in the Topic info panel of Video Topics
  18. Display of newly added Related Topics in real-time  
  19. Fixed the 'Send to' and 'Add external user' workflow of the Topic section  
  20. Changed the Topic tile size on the Channel detail page  
  21. Updated the UI of unpublished Topics on the Channel detail page  
  22. Fixed the margins and paddings in the Topic side panel
  23. Added tooltip translations in the Topic description  
  24. Fixed the smart object screen header alignment
  25. Removed the extra space in the moderator and participant sections of the Subscription invitation module while creating or editing a Channel/Subchannel or Topic
  26. Fixed the Subchannel header, hover/default state and tooltips

VNCchannels 2.3

January 03. 2024

New Features:

  1. Disable/enable comments functionality for Topic moderators and authors on the Topic detail page
  2. [Mobile] Topic preview
  3. [Mobile] Toolbar switch in the comment editor


  1. Fixed the Channel detail page view settings
  2. Fixed the date picker display
  3. Fixed the display of archived Topics in the table view
  4. Fixed the image slider behavior
  5. Fixed the dispay of restored private channels
  6. Fixed the opening of Smartlinks
  7. Fixed the display of the (+) icon button in the Topic info panel
  8. Fixed the "Create Topic" tile display when no results were found after applying filters
  9. Fixed the Ascending/descending sorting of Topics in Archive and Trash
  10. Fixed the display of the date picker on the create smartlink module  
  11. Fixed the "Edit Subchannel" button behavior
  12. Fixed the scroll bar display in the users section of the Channel Info panel  
  13. [Mobile | Android] Fixed the overlapping Smart Object tooltip
  14. Fixed the margins and paddings between the components in the right-side panel of the create/edit topic module
  15. Fixed the Related Topic search results  
  16. Fixed the 'See More/See Less' button in the file upload section of Topics
  17. [Mobile] Limited the display of "Highlight," "Sticky note," and "Reference," in Article Topics. Now, only the "Smartlink" option is displayed when the Article Topic is selected.  
  18. Removed the duplicate of the "Copy Topic" option in the kebab menu
  19. Fixed the height, width and padding of the archived Topic kebab menu
  20. Fixed the display of multiple smart object icons when a user adds multiple smart objects to the topic description
  21. Fixed the archived Topics counter in the Channels archive
  22. Fixed the removal of tags from the topic detail page
  23. Removed the unnecessary horizontal scrollbar from the Related Topics section on the Topic info panel
  24. Fixed the people counter display in the Channel and Topic info panels
  25. Fixed the header display on the Channel detail page and Topic detail page

VNCproject 5.1.17

December 22. 2023

New Features:

  1. New Download button in the file browser  
  2. New 'New Query' page UI


  1. Improved the appearance of next and previous months in the calendar module
  2. Improved the icons for "Questions" and "Custom queries" in the sidebar  
  3. Updated the color of the unwatch button on the ticket page  


  1. Fixed the alignment of the search and close icons in all search fields
  2. Fixed the alignment of the date and the overlapping month and year dropdowns in the calendar module  
  3. Fixed the UI of the search in the sidebar
  4. Several improvements of the search component  
  5. Fixed the workflow of saving and deleting templates in the global search  
  6. Improved the 'New repository' page

VNCproject 5.1.15

December 13. 2023

New Features:

  1. New UI on the 'New project' page  
  2. New 'select tag' dropdown menu styles in the 'Create recurrence' module        


  1. Fixed the meta task title display
  2. Fixed the application dropdown on pages with horizontal scrolling

VNCproject 5.1.14

December 08. 2023

New Features:

  1. New popup window for "Adding a Recurrence" for more convenient creation of recurring tasks


  1. Updated "No internet connection" banner
  2. Updated achievement icons    


  1. Fixed the padding around the page header and the fonts on all pages of a project  
  2. Fixed the overlapping ticket tile and icon buttons on the ticket page
  3. Fixed the Hours field focus when opening the log time module and the padding in the footer
  4. Fixed the access rights to the "Delete all attachments" option, the popup header title and the padding between the Cancel and Delete button in the "Delete all files" popup header
  5. Fixed the UI of the project switcher dropdown
  6. Fixed the related ticket search in meta tasks

VNCcrm 1.1.9

December 01. 2023

New Features:

  1. Added PDF export to deal list pages
  2. Added PDF export to deal show pages  


  1. Customized the design of the confirmation popup and removed the route for confirmation to improve the performance  


  1. Fixed the display of the history counter in real time after updating notes on the deal show page
  2. Fixed the display of the Lead Source, Priority, Lead Class, and Sales Person dropdowns on the deal card
  3. Fixed the attachment of multiple contacts at once on the deal show page
  4. Fixed the pagination update after performing bulk removing on deal list pages and the navigation to the Bulk Remove page
  5. Fixed the calendar header display above the preview popup
  6. Fixed the search for tags on the deal list pages and deal show pages

VNCproject 5.1.13

December 01. 2023

New Features:

  1. Collapse or expand all sections at once: Users can collapse or expand all with CTRL(Command) + click on any section in tickets, tasks, metatasks and other pages where multiple sections are visible.
  2. Snack bar notifications for task watching and unwatching on Wiki and News pages. New UI of watch and unwatch buttons for improved usability.    


  1. Updated and improved the UI of the watchers popup
  2. Updated the icons in the floating menu, the table and the header, the new file page and the Add button text to SAVE. Replaced/updated the download icon and the version icon on the attachments page of a project.
  3. Optimized the display of leave days (table, column width) and sorting of groups in the Holiday module


  1. Fixed the drag and drop overlay on the ticket detail page
  2. Fixed the display of the result filters in the global search
  3. Fixed the ticket preview background color in the global search and the display of the divider in the pagination area
  4. Fixed the broken robot warning bar in the header section  
  5. Fixed the ticket layout when a time overrun occurs
  6. Fixed the rounding of OTA values in the issue history and edit ticket form field  
  7. [Mobile] Fixed the broken warning bar
  8. Fixed the padding in the 'edit meta roadmap' popup and set the standard input component for names  
  9. Fixed the dragging of Agile cards on the Agile board  
  10. Fixed the status display after refreshing the list in the ITIL module
  11. Fixed the archiving of projects

VNCcrm 1.1.8

October 23. 2023

New Features:

  1. New ''No content to display' notification in the Contacts and Entities tabs on the opportunity pages  
  2. Unique IDs and classes in the new lead/opportunity module, columns of the deal table, on the list pages and lists in the history section


  1. UI and performance improvements by adding Select2 select boxes


  1. Color and design improvements
  2. Fixed the text and icon alignment on the configurations page  
  3. Fixed the display of the preview pop-up for opportunities and activities in the calendar
  4. Fixed the tooltip display in the related deals section
  5. Removed the pagination at the end of deal list pages when there are less than 25 results
  6. Fixed the display of the dropdown icons on the settings page
  7. Added missing German translations on the deal show page  

VNCcrm 1.1.7

October 09. 2023

New Features:

  1. New slider in the settings module to enable/disable popups on deal list pages


  1. Changed the 'Currency Symbol' text field to a dropdown menu with presetted currencies


  1. Fixed the username chips in the filter module
  2. Fixed the display of long competitor names on the deal display page and when creating/editing a deal  
  3. Fixed the width of the pipeline chip on the pipeline page

VNCcrm 1.1.6

October 05. 2023

New Features:

  1. Multiple currencies for opportunities, display of currency in all views in opportunities with real time currency conversion  
  2. Inline editing of currency fields. Calculation of totals in the column headers for potential revenue as well as expected revenue. Currency in filter, group, sort options.  
  3. Multiple currencies reflect on defined base currency for the organisation.   
  4. Display of the converted rate to the organisation's base currency in tooltips when a user hovers over the potential revenue or expected revenue in a list of opportunities. Example: Organisation base currency is USD, an opportunity has the potential revenue of x EUR. So, the tooltip shows the value in USD, working with real-time currency conversion.      
  5. Option to create new tags on runtime while creating/editing a lead or opportunity, on the opportunities/leads show and list pages.  
  6. Next and Previous lead/opportunity buttons on lead and opportunity pages
  7. Added "project" to the column selection, as well as in filters and sort + group on deals listing pages  


  1. Moved the Calendar option between Activities and Statistics in the header menu


  1. Removed Lost or Won Opportunities and Closed Activities from the Calendar.  
  2. Fixed the position of the Delete option in the kebab menu
  3. Fixed the kebab menu and deals without description in the related deals section
  4. Fixed the disappearing scroll bar on leads/opportunities list, company and campaign pages
  5. Fixed the description section on deal pages to use the entire space for text  
  6. Fixed the kebab menu in the Contacts, Notes and Entities tabs on the lead and opportunity detail page.  
  7. Fixed the Currency dropdown menu while creating and editing an opportunity
  8. Fixed the broken fields on the deal page when the sidebar is open  
  9. Fixed the kebab menu on the Activities page
  10. Fixed the flickering of the "Assignee" kebab menu when a user selects any assignee of an activity
  11. Fixed the display of the header text on leads and opportunity list pages
  12. Fixed visibility of remaining leads and opportunities when a user deletes all 25 opportunities and leads on the page
  13. Fixed the updating of deals  when the current user has "Issues I contributed to" enabled
  14. Fixed the updating of the deal card to the new status column after editing the status of a deal in the overlay of the pipeline page    
  15. Fixed the page not found error when a user tried to delete a role
  16. Fixed the "Potential Revenue" and "No. of users" visibility on the deal show page
  17. Fixed the visibility of dummy avatars on deal card if no sales person is selected
  18. Fixed the display of cloned deals on the pipeline page
  19. Fixed the tooltip when a user selects deals on the opportunities and leads list pages
  20. Fixed the visibility of bullet points in the Notes on deal show pages
  21. Fixed the company dropdown menu of the deal cards on the pipeline page
  22. Added the missing dash (-) icon to the Industry column on the deals and opportunities list pages
  23. Fixed the display of the "Show all / Show less" buttons of the Bulk edit and Bulk Remove modules on the opportunities/leads listing pages  
  24. Fixed the different width of columns on opportunities and leads listing pages and the columns breaking in case of lengthy names

VNCproject 5.1.11

October 02. 2023

New Features:

  1. New notification bar for lost network connections


  1. Updated the project settings and version pages
  2. Changed sidebar panel to hidden by default, improved ticket detail page    
  3. Improved the project file page title
  4. Improved kebab menu on the ticket page
  5. Improved the attachment tile grid
  6. Renamed the tabs for new and edit ticket


  1. Fixed the overlapping of the action button and the main menu bar
  2. Fixed the checklist title on the ticket detail page
  3. Improved the tag components color and size  
  4. Fixed the cross icon of the search field in the version popup  
  5. Improved the UI of the filter button and filter items
  6. Improved the UI of the robot planning popup
  7. Fixed the visibility of attachments on the SLA page
  8. Fixed the access of the user profile in the sidebar panel when clicking on the action wheel
  9. Re-aligned the delete icon in the calendar of an agile card  

VNCproject 5.1.9

September 15. 2023

New Features:

  1. New tracking icon on the project overview page    
  2. Added Lazy Load for tickets


  1. Re-aligned the day indicator element on the agile board  
  2. Changed the snack bar notification text color
  3. Improved the filter button UI
  4. Re-arranged the drop-down menu of the portfolio page


  1. Updated te padding between the contextual button and the column header  
  2. Fixed the overlapping of the inline edit form while running the robot planning
  3. Removed the back arrow from the helpdesk title on the helpdesk page  
  4. Fixed the preview of the agile canvas on the agile board  
  5. Fixed the position of the story point field has on the ticket detail page  
  6. Removed the white stripe line in the warning bar  
  7. Added a missing popup for tickets moved to a date with zero capacity in the robot planning
  8. Fixed the overlapping trophy and Agile card text on the achievement page  
  9. Fixed the attachment field on the SLA page  
  10. Updated the robot planning on the base of the priority of the ticket  
  11. Removed the animation when hovering over a subject in the roadmap table  
  12. Updated the tag drop-down menu on the agile cards
  13. Removed the text under the assignee field in the new task form  

VNCcrm 1.1.5

September 04. 2023

New Features:

  1. New calendar tab to display activities
  2. Expected closing dates for opportunities on the calendar


  1. All open activities with a due date are displayed in the Calendar  


  1. [Mobile] Fixed the overlapping buttons on the deal page and rearranged fields
  2. Fixed the kebab menu display
  3. Added the missing dropdown icon of the priority field on the lead and opportunity page    
  4. Fixed the cropping default profile avatars on the contact list of the leads and opportunities detail page

VNCproject 5.1.8

August 31. 2023

New Features:

  1. New sidebar panel UI  
  2. New notification for illogical time ranges in the capacity planning      


  1. Updated the action wheel UI in agile cards
  2. Updated the Dashboard portlets
  3. Updated the cancel button


  1. Updated the preview on the meta roadmap page
  2. Updated the size of the progress bar on the ticket detail page
  3. Updated the global search UI
  4. Fixed the overlapping kebab and main menu
  5. Updated the navigation on the ticket detail page  
  6. Fixed the kebab menu on the dashboard  

VNCcrm 1.1.4

August 25. 2023

New Features:

  1. New display of activities on lead and opportunity cards on the pipeline page    
  2. Performance enhancement: switched to Remote-select-2 filters for campaigns on the leads and opportunities list pages, deal details and cards, leads and opportunities list pages while inline editing to speed up the loading process    
  3. Added turbo loading to card actions to decrease load time  
  4. New list of existing opportunities in dropdown form of the search box in the Activities page  
  5. New remote filter component with updated select filters to fetch data asynchronously    
  6. New UI for Author and Sales Person filters    
  7. Enabled inline editing for activities


  1. Fixed the "Content missing" display and a missing +icon button in the Notes tab of Leads and Opportunity detail pages+
  2. Fixed the tooltips on pipeline pages
  3. Fixed the History numbering display on Lead and Opportunity detail pages and removed the blue background strip behind history time interval on Lead and Opportunity detail pages  
  4. Fixed the borderlines merging on pipeline page and the issue missing icons on the kebab menu on the Activities page
  5. Fixed the tooltips on the pipeline page
  6. Fixed the % Done bar on the Activities page
  7. Fixed the deal card on the pipeline page in case of lengthy deal names
  8. Removed the dropdown icons for the 'Lead Source' and 'Company' dropdown fields on the Pipeline page  
  9. Fixed the broken search bar when users selected a different deal from the opportunity or lead detail page
  10. Fixed the search on the Leads and Opportunities listing pages

VNCcrm 1.1.3

August 18. 2023

New Features:

  1. Extended contact fields with Company Names in the contacts of Leads/Opportunities detail pages    
  2. New option to add relations between sales Opportunities/Leads on the Opportunities/Leads detail pages and add comments to relating Opportunities/Leads.  
  3. CSV export for leads and opportunities on the lead and opportunity list pages  
  4. Runtime values for “Competitors, Companies, Partners or campaigns”  


  1. Fixed the date filter width on the Leads and Opportunities list pages
  2. Fixed the display of the date fields in the date filter on the Leads/Opps list pages  
  3. Improved the margin and padding    

VNCproject 5.1.6

August 16. 2023

New Features:

  1. New action buttons in the user list at the sidebar    


  1. Updated the primary button components
  2. Updated the user page UI  
  3. Updated the priority field in the new task module  


  1. Updated the attributes of the kebab menu
  2. Aligned the "save" text within the save button of ticket notes  
  3. Fixed the sorting on the roadmap page  
  4. Fixed the achievement page UI
  5. Fixed the bulk edit popup UI  
  6. Fixed the content of the updated WIKI pages in the sidebar panel
  7. Removed the flashing effect from the history note
  8. Fixed the empty achievement page
  9. Fixed the opening of ITIL tickets  
  10. Fixed the broken trophy preview popup
  11. Added missing translation strings
  12. Fixed the scrolling on the meta task related table  
  13. Fixed the overlapping ticket title and border header on the agile board page  

VNCcrm 1.1.2

August 02. 2023

New Features:

  1. Longer, scrollable "New Contact" form    
  2. Added "Expected Closing Date" and "Project" options for the Opportunity detail page, updated sorting order in edit and view mode  
  3. Industry dropdown field for leads and opportunities, inline editing of and filtering by industry
  4. Added contact data synchronisation after attaching it to a deal, added new tab "Account Details" to the full contact info panel  
  5. Option to save filters on the Leads and Opportunities list pages  
  6. Extended Contact information popup for leads and opportunities.  
  7. Added Contact info and HR tabs to contacts on the Leads/Opportunities detail page    
  8. Added grouping and sums to the Opportunities and Leads list pages  
  9. New fields for contacts: IM accounts Events and Custom    


  1. Fixed the cropped Action wheel
  2. Fixed the width of the description and the notes editor when users edit/create a new lead/opportunity
  3. Fixed the lead preview in the lead table
  4. Fixed typos
  5. Fixed the inline tab display on the User Profile page
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