grow knowledge & collaborate!
A safe place to store data, share insights,
grow knowledge & collaborate!
Find out how you can collaborate on and share your content.
VNCchannels is your place to store data, to search and retrieve information and to generate knowledge – collaboratively!
Bring your community together and collaborate with your team productively. Share ideas, discuss animatedly, come to conclusions, reach decisions and move forward with a common purpose. This is how innovation happens!
Definition: A Channel is a container for various Topics enabling the management of users, access, permissions and subscriptions. A Topic is a post in a Channel with varying content, which can be collaborated and commented upon by its members according to their permissions.
Create either public Channels to include everyone in the workspace or private Channels for selected members only to enable private conversations in smaller groups. Invite additional members as moderators or participants whenever you like. All your content including text, files, images, videos and more finds its place in persistent Channels organized by topics and tags.
Create public or private Topics in your Channels depending on your requirements.
Subscribe to Channels or Topics and pin important Channels to structure the information you’d like to see first.
Comment on all the Topics you are invited to with text comments (with rich text format) including images, files, videos, and more.
“Smart link” information to create a web of information and aggregate knowledge within Channels or Topics. These “smart links” can also be used to link to other VNClagoon components like chat messages from VNCtalk, emails from VNCmail, tasks from VNCtask or tickets from VNCproject.
“Power Search” the complete content to retrieve exactly the information you need. Slice and dice all information you search via our extremely powerful VNCindex.
VNCchannels is a product of the VNClagoon enterprise software suite – for Secure, Best in Class, Seamless Communication and Collaboration.
Generate knowledge – securely!
First-class Open Source technologies and auditable Code.
Easy to use header images to make each Topic unique and easy to find.
Like, comment, forward and subscribe to Channels and Topics. “Smart link” related information.
Formatting and content options
Upload any file type to your Topics and use the RTF Editor for text formatting.
Store data, share insights, grow knowledge & collaborate!
Manage Channels
Create new Channels with description and various settings. Create public (including everyone in the workspace) or private Channels (for selected members only) and add users to Channels.
Work with Topics
Enter a Topic name, add the Topic header image and description, select the Channel where you want to create the Topic in, add tags, enable or disable comments and upload files.
Subscriptions and further options
Subscribe to / unsubscribe from public or private Channels or Topics, pin / unpin Channels, like Topics. Customise the display of Topics and work with related Topics.
Archiving and Sharing
Archive / unarchive a Channel, copy or send a Channel or Topic link, forward a Topic.
Channel Notifications
Mute / unmute a Channel and customize notifications in the notifications center.
Complex structures with Smart Links
Topic types such as Analysis Topics allow complex documents with “smart links” to build interlinked texts.
VNCchannels Web Client
Fast access wherever you are
The VNCchannels Web Client enables you to access all features in the same standard browser as VNCtalk, VNCmail or VNCproject.
You easily access your entire workspace with your browser, without having to start separate applications for each single activity you’d like to perform.
The VNCchannels Web Client runs on any standard browser on Windows, MacOS and Linux.
VNCchannels Desktop Client
Installed application on your laptop or PC
The VNCchannels Desktop Client allows you to run VNCchannels as a separate application on your desktop PC – on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Especially when working with lots of open browser tabs, it is useful to have a separate access point for your Channels and Topics.
And of course you have all VNCchannels features available, in any of our frontend clients.
VNCchannels Mobile Client
VNCchannels Architecture
VNCchannels is integrated into VNCtalk and can be accessed in the same user interface in a separate menu. This Architecture Chart provides a comprehensive overview of the architecture of the VNCtalk and VNCchannels software system, the integrated components, databases, interfaces and frontend clients.
Technical Docs
VNCchannels User Manual
Check out the user manual to see all features!
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Terms of Agreement
VNClagoon Products and Apps – Terms of Service.
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VNCchannels Playlist
VNCchannels video presentations on Youtube.
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VNCchannels Release Notes
Read about our latest features, changes and fixes: