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VNCcalendar 1.0.3

April 20. 2021

New Features:

  1. Email address checkbox for email notifications in the create/edit event view
  2. Time zone selection in the main preference menu


  1. New popup for configuring a notification by email


  1. Fixed the routing of the reply/reply all view
  2. Fixed the UI in the confirmation dialog
  3. [Mobile] Fixed the menu display for Long taps on events
  4. Fixed the deletion option for multiple events in the list view
  5. Fixed the time zone display in the 'create new event' dialog

VNCcalendar 1.0.2

March 12. 2021


  1. Fixed the search results display
  2. [Desktop Client] improved reminder popups
  3. Fixed the "Today" button in the search results
  4. Fixed the date changing behaviour in the search result view
  5. UI improvements: fixed the date picker


January 28. 2021

New Features:

  1. Implemented the create calendar event dialog


May 11. 2020

New Features:

  1. Optimized display of search results in mobile clients.
  2. [Mobile] Long tap menu in the List and Search view.
  3. New Appearance dialog to change the color theme of the VNCcalendar.
  4. Menu navigation via Arrow keys on the keyboard


  1. Optimized the alignment of the "Delete" and "Today" header buttons.


  1. Optimized the color picking and default color of tags.
  2. [Web Client] Start date in the list view changes with the selection of a date in the mini calendar.
  3. Improved display of distribution lists, groups, and contacts in the suggestion list of the new and edit appointment menu.


May 01. 2020

New Features:

  1. The appointment description is now displayed in the preview dialog.
  2. Week number display in the mini calendar and its configuration from in the preferences menu.


March 27. 2020


  1. [Mobile] Translation improvements (German)

VNCuxf-calendar 1.0

March 23. 2020

New Features:

  1. "Find Shared Calendars" option


  1. [Desktop] Upgrade the electron version to 8.0.0


March 03. 2020

New Features:

  1. Configurable visibility of the "Edit Location" option
  2. Desktop client for MacOS, Linux, and windows.


  1. Workflow, translation and wording improvements (English & German)
  2. Improved German translations


  1. Layout improvements in the calendar list view
  2. Fixed the "Undo changes" behaviour of the settings
  3. Fixed the event's kebab menu layout
  4. Improved behaviour of the save/send button
  5. [iOS] Improved the event option menu for long taps


February 24. 2020

New Features:

  1. Added the "external calendar" functionality
  2. Notification added in case an external address is added under "Permissions" in the calendar "Preferences", because only internal users can get the permission. (English/German)
  3. Configurable visibility for the "Send Free & Busy Link As" option
  4. Toaster message for snoozed reminders


  1. German language improvements, 2 letter shortcuts for weekdays added


February 17. 2020

New Features:

  1. Confirmation pop-up when deleting events
  2. "Customize repeat pattern" button in the new/edit appointment menu


  1. Improved date format in the appointment preview (German)
  2. Improved the "New" option behaviour of the "move calendar" popup


February 10. 2020

New Features:

  1. Custom repeat patterns for appointments
  2. Configurable visibility of the "Add external calendar" Option
  3. [Mobile] Plus (+) button to create new appointments in the calendar view
  4. Tooltips for several calendar buttons to show the functional description
  5. Configurable visibility for the Location and Resource fields
  6. Configurable visibility of the Apple iCal Option in the VNCcalendar preferences
  7. 24h view in German language settings.
  8. Open appointments from the reminder pop-up
  9. Configurable End Date in the "quick add appointment" menu.


  1. Locked the position of the calendar header in the list view
  2. Improved German translations


January 31. 2020

New Features:

  1. Added the Send free & busy status via Html/ICS/ICS Event
  2. [Mobile] "Print" functionality added
  3. Select calendar option in the preferences
  4. [Mobile] Added the select calendar feature to the new/edit appointment menu
  5. Ascending/Descending sorting in the list view
  6. Improved the behavior of the calendar header


  1. Translation and wording improvements (English & German)
  2. Improved the Android application icon


  1. improved the side-scrolling in the list view
  2. Improved the editing behaviour of appointment series


January 20. 2020

New Features:

  1. Crop dialog added to edit an uploaded avatar image
  2. "Create appointment" Preferences
  3. "Apple Ical" Preferences
  4. Added a warning message when start/end date are in the past
  5. Added Permission options to the Preferences
  6. Configurable reminder time
  7. VNCcalendar logo added to the splash screen
  8. "Workweek and hours" Preferences
  9. Main Preferences


  1. [Mobile] Improved the 'Install application' popup


  1. improved the behaviour of the "Uncheck all" option
  2. Layout improvements for the date picker


January 13. 2020

New Features:

  1. Added a warning message for the quick add appointment & New/edit appointment menu if the selected date is in the past.


  1. Translation and wording improvements (German)


  1. Improved the behaviour of the calendar's workday in the workweek view.
  2. Fixed the behaviour of the location field display in the add/edit menu
  3. Layout improvements in the calendar month view of the firefox browser.


January 06. 2020

New Features:

  1. Added general settings, Help in App info, User Manual, VNC Service Desk, FAQ & Legal Notice
  2. Added a different color theme which highlights the work hour display in the calendar view.
  3. "Reload" functionality added for external calendars
  4. Added selection highlighting to the calendar list view
  5. Added a "check all" option for the calendar list
  6. Added a marker of the current date in the mini calendar when the user selects another date from the new/edit appointment view.
  7. Added a "find location" button to the new/edit event menu: users can now view a list of the already provided locations for each event
  8. Added the sidebar hide/open Button
  9. Added the attendees and optional attendees field: when clicking on "Select" the user list is displayed
  10. Added a "Uncheck all" option for the calendar list


  1. Improved the version display in the App info tab.
  2. Improved the behaviour of the calendar logout processes


December 31. 2019

New Features:

  1. added a marker of the current date in the mini calendar when the user selects another date.
  2. added a button to suggest a new time for event invitations
  3. added a calendar week display to the left side of the calendar view
  4. added an option to change the user's password in the profile kebab menu & profile view
  5. added a warning message for New/edit appointments if the selected date is in the past
  6. added an "overdue count" to the reminder popup


  1. Translation and wording improvements (German + English)


  1. [Desktop] improved behaviour for editing events
  2. improved the behaviour of the calendar's tree structure
  3. [Mobile] Improved ehe New/edit appointment page
  4. improved the event behaviour in the list view
  5. improved the access rights behaviour for shared events


December 23. 2019

New Features:

  1. Added a private option for appointments
  2. - Improved behaviour for "share calendar" popup options
  3. [Mobile] Added an "equipment" field in the new/edit event menu: users can now list required equipment in each event
  4. - Added a warning popup dialog box with the buttons Yes, No and Cancel when switching Create/Edit Appointment window without saving


  1. [mobile] Improved the print popup: splitted into workweek view, week view, and month view
  2. - Date and time improvements (German)


  1. Improved the behaviour of the date and time fields in the "New/edit appointment" window.
  2. - Fixed the 'Quick add appointment' location button and reminder label.
  3. [Mobile] Layout improvements in the title of "Quick add appointment" for landscape mode
  4. [Desktop] Layout improvements for the suggest location feature
  5. - [Mobile] Improved the mini calendar behaviour
  6. - [Desktop] Layout improvements for the profile dialog


December 16. 2019

New Features:

  1. Added an "equipment" field in the new/edit event menu: users can now list required equipment in each event
  2. Added an automatic focus on the current time of the "quick add appointment" window and "New/edit appointment" window.
  3. [Desktop] Improvements for the quick add appointment popup in the calendar
  4. "Print" functionality added
  5. Added an option to tag appointments directly from the event's kebab menu


  1. Layout improvements for the confirmation popup when deleting tags with long names


  1. Fixed the time display fot the snooze option in the reminder popup
  2. Fixed the behavior of the date and time fields in the "New/edit appointment" window.
  3. Fixed the display of shared calendars in the calendar view
  4. [Desktop] Added labels to the input fields ot the New/Edit appointment windows
  5. [Mobile] Fixed the layout for the "Quick add appointment" popup


December 11. 2019

New Features:

  1. Added a strikethrough layout to unshared calendars with the confirmation popup to delete it when clicked
  2. "Reply to all" functionality added
  3. Added an option to edit event messages from the right click share/cancel/confirm menu popup.
  4. Implemented a calendar selection for creating a new event from the sidebar.
  5. Added a double click option to open events
  6. Added a snooze/dismiss all option to the event reminder popup
  7. Added an option to forward events from the kebab menu
  8. Added a confirmation popup for deleting objects


  1. Improved the color scheme for the events in the calendar view
  2. Improved the "New/Edit appointment" layout


  1. Fixed the deleting option in the the appointment's preview menu
  2. Improved the profile display in shared appointment previews
  3. [Desktop] Fixed the calendar rights for Check & uncheck events.
  4. Removed the 'VNC calendar' running notification.
  5. Improved the "unshare/delete popup" layout
  6. [Desktop] improved creating event behavior.
  7. Improved the behavior of checking/unchecking calendars in the list view.
  8. Fixed the reminder popup time option


November 29. 2019

New Features:

  1. Added a timezone feature: user can create a new appointment and select a time zone.
  2. Copies of events: user can create duplicates of events and change the properties of the new event while creating it
  3. "Show original": opens the plain text information of an event
  4. Added a 'move' feature: event can be moved between different calendars
  5. Objects can be restored from the Kebab Menu inside the trash folder now
  6. Added the message "No results found" from the "list view" view then the list is empty & search not found result.


  1. [Desktop] Fixed calendar rights for drag&drop
  2. Fixed the phrasing for the "calendar created" toaster message


November 26. 2019

New Features:

  1. Added an option to recover deleted items from the trash folder.
  2. [mobile] Added a new "list view" to the calendar view.
  3. Appointment notifications if the organizator changes preferences or cancels the appointment
  4. New icons for attendance (accept, decline, tentative) on an appointment, visible in the detail view
  5. Enhanced the Event preview for mouse hover operations
  6. Added an automatic focus on the current date and time on the main screen after login. The focus shows a red time indicator line.


  1. [mobile] Improved "quick add appointment" layout


  1. Added sub-calendars to the "Quick Add Appointment" menu.
  2. [mobile] Improved the Month view of the calendar
  3. Improved access rights synchronization
  4. Layout improvements in the month view
  5. [IE-11] Fixed the 'Quick add appointment' date selection
  6. [IE-11] Layout adjustments for the Month button in the calendar view
  7. [iOS] improved the day view layout
  8. [mobile] Layout improvements on the date format in the calendar list view
  9. Events can handle multiple attachments now


November 13. 2019

New Features:

  1. [mobile] Added List view for events
  2. „Share Calendar“ functionality added
  3. [desktop] Added notification popup for moved event series
  4. Sync VNCCalendar with VNCmail
  5. [desktop] Added quick view of events when hovering the mouse over the event
  6. Added Tag section for the sidebar. (Desktop Client)
  7. Added "move event" feature for events and event series with right click and drag&drop
  8. "Delete Calender" functionality added
  9. "Move Calendar" functionality added


  1. Optimized user notifications which are sent to participants when calendar events are moved.
  2. [mobile] Improved "quick add appointment" layout
  3. [mobile] Changed behavior of long taps on events


  1. Enabled right-click options for Multi-day events
  2. [desktop] German translation and layout improvements
  3. Improved Reminder Feature
  4. Improved the HTML text editor
  5. Improved handling of private appointments
  6. Optimized notification emails for appointment invitations
  7. Improved behavior of hidden calendars
  8. Improvements in sub-calendar layout
  9. [desktop] Added separate icon for the trash folder
  10. Improved handling of shared calendars
  11. Improved color handling for Sub-Calendars
  12. [desktop] Improved event editing in list view
  13. Improved handling of reminders in shared calendars
  14. Improved theme display in the calendar header
  15. Updated notification for created events
  16. Improved upload behavior for attachments - multiple attachments can be added at once now
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