- VNCmail 3.0.5
- VNCmail 3.0.2
- VNCmail 3.0.1
- VNCmail 3.0
- VNCmail 2.9
- VNCmail 2.7
- VNCmail 2.6
- VNCmail 2.5
- VNCmail 2.4
- VNCmail 2.3
- VNCmail 2.1.2
- VNCmail 1.2.5
- VNCmail 1.2.4
- VNCmail 1.2.3
- VNCmail 1.2.2
- VNCmail 1.2.0
- VNCmail 1.0.11
- VNCmail 1.0.10
- VNCmail 1.0.8
- VNCmail 1.0.7
- VNCmail 1.0.6
- VNCmail 1.0.5
- VNCmail
- VNCmail
- VNCmail
VNCmail 3.0.5
November 29. 2024
New Features:
- New option to change the tag colors individually to find tagged messages quickly
- New tooltips
- New tooltips in the compose mail options
- [Mobile] Improved 3-day calendar view
- New tooltips in the VNCcalendar UI
- Improved UIs for save draft and format as plain text popups
- Updated calendar UI for today and list viewÂ
- Improved design of the sidebar calendar
- [Mobile] Improved the logout pop up design
- Improved the warning popup UI
- Updated the UI of the compose mail options menu
- Replaced the attachment icon
- Improved the logo hover effect and set a redirection to the VNCmail main page when clicked
- Improved the new tag pop up UI
- Fixed the UI of the calendar kebab menu and the drop down menu
- Updated the file browser screen
- Renamed the favorite label
- Changed the tag and folder default color pallet
- Added a workflow to add FWD/RE to the subject line when changing from the compose new mail tab to an email and clicking the forward/answer button.
- Fixed the email detail menu icons
- Fixed the UI of the new folder popup
- Fixed the rich editor action tool tip and UI
- Fixed the UI of the section divider and drag handler
- Fixed the drag and drop of the contact address chip
- [Mobile] Fixed the design of the compose mail input box
- [Mobile] Fixed the display of the sender info
- [Mobile] Fixed the display of the mail list and removed unwanted white space on right side
- Fixed the display of the "Read More" icon
- Fixed the scrolling to the current time in the calendar views
- Fixed the appointment error in the editing mode
- Fixed the resizing and movement of appointments in the calendar
- [Mobile] Fixed the background color of appointments in the calendar's one day view
- Fixed the padding in the global search
- Fixed the selection of messages with Shift + arrow keys
- Fixed the hover state of the tag menu items
- Removed the duplicate kebab button in the left side bar header
- Fixed the default and hover states of the scroll bars in the global search chip sets
- Fixed the display of warning popups
- Fixed the display of the action wheel
- Fixed the minimal width of the date in the header
- Fixed the icon display of the mark as unread option
- Fixed the UI of the time period menu of the calendar
- Fixed the changing of the tag color in the mail list
- Fixed the padding and spacing in the appointments preview
- [Mobile] Fixed the all day appointment view in all calendar views when swiping to next/previous page
- Fixed the UI of the autocomplete contact drop down and the contact chips
VNCmail 3.0.2
May 31. 2024
New Features:
- Added a logout popup and updated the logout dropdown
- Updated the popup UI for the folder settings and share folder
- Updated the empty state UI
VNCmail 3.0.1
May 13. 2024
New Features:
- "Propose New Time" functionality for received appointment invitations
- New feature to open e-mails in separate tabs.
- Implemented logic for expanding and collapsing the attachment section
- [Mobile] Added a loader animation for loading emails
- [Offline] Implemented plus icon for participants and email configure option
- Improved the UI of the event preview in VNCcalendar
- Updated the drag and drop UI for single and multiple e-mail selection and the calendar UI
- Updated UI for move to folder and create new folder pop up
- Improved converting of MDL dialog, MDL select to Mat
- Added standard snackbar component in VNCmail and applied globally for all notifications.
- Added new loading UI in mail list panel
- Improved the auto complete UI
- Improved the quick filter search
- Optimized VNCmail UI - tags are now collapsed by default
- Updated the global search default date from "set to "Last 30 days" to "all times"
- Optimized advanced search for contacts in VNCmail (SOLR)
- Fixed the storage of address data
- [Mobile] Fixed the display of the read/unread indicator
- [Desktop Client] Fixed the contact handling
- Fixed the background operations
- Fixed the attachment synchronisation and preview in offline mode
- Fixed the total count and unread mail numbers display in header (German)
- Fixed the display of the toaster message on search, if you accidentally used only the introducing quotation marks "
- Updated the edit contact flow in VNCmail
- Updated spaces and formatting in the appointment preview
- [Mobile] Fixed the UI of the preferences layout in the profile menu (overlapping text)
- Fixed the display of the detail view for the last read email
- [Mobile|Android] Fixed the opening of the app from FCM notifications
- Fixed the import of data from vcard attachments
- Fixed the opening of the right side bar
- Updated the select email drop down UI
VNCmail 3.0
March 17. 2023
New Features:
- New Action Wheel menu
- Filter chips in the Quick Search
- ONLYOFFICE integration
- New Advanced Search UI. With Advanced Search you will retrieve data from all products in the VNClagoon Suite.
- New options for mail replies: 'Use quick reply' and 'Show quoted text'
- New profile sidebar
- New option to save recent search commands and display the saved search in autocomplete and advanced search UI
- New filter options for Advanced Search
- Offline functionalities: Integrated background-sync. New emails are synced and added to the VNClagoon Index after reconnect.
- Sync of VNCdirectory contacts for offline use. Updated contacts will be synced after reconnect.
- Added sort option for advanced search results
- Offline avatar caching
- [Web Client] Integrated background-syncing
- Migration to the new VNCSearch User APIsÂ
- New mail list filters / quick filters
- New switch to full screen mode in the compose view and draft screen
- Upgrade of VNCmail Android to api32
- Allowing sorting from backend in the global search
- Time display tooltip for meetings in the mini calendar
- Improved mail list layout
- Improved the selection of contacts from specified contact lists
- Updated the drag and drop element in the mail list and the sidebar
- [Mobile Client] Implemented new common dialog
- Changed the UI for out of office screen
- VNCtalk Audit: additional audit tests, API tests, switched to Alpine and added Trivy scan
- Updated the new mail filters in API
- [Desktop Client] Adjusted the header, styles and added vnc-library
- [Mobile] Updated the app icon
- [Mobile] Improved message details and refactored mail detail back to list
- Improved the size of the 'open meeting' module
- Fixed the sync order on app start
- Fixed the resetting of events
- UI and translation updates
- UI improvements in the spellcheck module
- Fixed the translations for invitation emails
- Improved the advanced search suggestion list and UI
- Added inline image support in the show/edit appointment dialog
- Fixed the delete hotkey of the mail list header search option
- Fixed the chip and toaster message description
- Fixed the display of date and time in the advanced search
- Fixed the drag and drop of emails to the calendar
- Added async for new mail notifications and fixed the cache purge
- Fixed the display of the mail detail view in slow or interrupted network connections
- Removed the extra blank space between the list panel line and the kebab menu
- Fixed the reset of the mail selection
- Fixed the he tooltip and profile display for the participants in the appointment preview
- Fixed the opening of inline images from VNCproject
- UI improvements in the mail detail view
- Fixed the icon display
- Fixed the display of the mail actions from the profile screen for the logged in user
- Fixed the FCM plugin to accept/reject/decline calendar notifications
- Improved the link processing for the app switcher
- Fixed the UI and handling of the mail tabs
- Fixed the parsing of the mail query
- Fixed the creating of new appointments from mails with attachments
- Sync improvements
- Fixed the bottom part in the search screen
- Fixed the tooltip UI of appointment previews
- Fixed the contacts autocompletion
- Fixed the login page UI of the OTP module
- Fixed the text editor on Firefox
- Fixed the removing of tags from mails
- Fixed the tab display in the conversation view
- Fixed the display of the undo message
- Fixed the parse query
- Fixed the sticky toolbar
- Fixed the update trigger of the widget when setting emails to unread
- Fixed the moving to the next message with disabled reading panel
- Added missing emojis to the quill editor
- Fixed the saving of drafts in the compose and reply mail module
- Removed unnecessary scroll bars while doing a window resize
- Fixed the toaster message after updating an email contact
- Fixed the hiding of actions for logged in users
- Fixed the UI when resizing to mobile screen size
- Fixed the mail search closing in the list panel
- Fixed the display of the drag and drop element of the mail list panel in the responsive view
- Fixed the auto suggestion list selection on up/down key press
- Fixed the display of the "save as" dialog
- Fixed the search after folder switching
- Replaced the text for saved recent searches
- Fixed the result sorting in the advanced search
- Fixed the config for VNCdirectory URLs
- Fixed the layout of the App Switcher and the Quick Search
- Fixed the image icons
- Fixed the display of the suggested locations in the detail view
- Fixed the empty folder name display in pop ups
- Fixed the translation of the public URLs to VNCmail
- Added missing German translations
- Fixed the avatar updates new mails
- Fixed the display of assets in the printing view of an appointment
- Fixed the handling of the appintment attendee actions
- Fixed the loading of the signature settings on start
- Fixed the images in the signatures
- Fixed the opening of drafts
- Fixed the update of mails in indexedDB
- Fixed the German translation of the scheduler
- Added missing back button support to the search
- Fixed and added table support
- [Desktop Client] Fixed the appointment print preview causing crashes
- [Desktop Client] Fixed the display of the application page
- [Desktop Client] Fixed the draft mail button on smaller resolutions
- [Mobile] Fixed the name in the app header
- [Mobile] Fixed the swipe actions
- [Mobile] Fixed the reply, reply all, forward options in the mail detail screen
- [Mobile] Fixed the reset of the mail selection
- [Mobile] Fixed the download of email attachments
- [Mobile] Improved the calendar loading
- [Mobile] Fixed the calendar navigation
- [Mobile] Fixed the swipe left/right in the calendar module
- [Mobile] Fixed screen orientation unlock error
- [Mobile|Android] Fixed the send files flow
- Optimized filter for search in "current folder"
VNCmail 2.9
May 09. 2022
New Features:
- [Mobile] Blockchain flow
- Free/Busy Scheduler
- Added loader info when loading emails
- Time suggestion in calendar events
- Updated the plain text content and added contact list dropdown
- [Mobile] Added Briefcase
- Attachment preview
- [Mobile] added automatic text suggestions
- [Mobile] Attachment preview
- [Mobile] Long touch on autocomplete email chips to copy the address
- [Mobile] Added a 'create contact' option by long tapping the mail chip
- Scheduler to create appointments from calendar
- Enabled double click input to edit fields
- Added cursor focusing on pressing Tab
- Upgrade to angular 13
- [Desktop Client] Updated to Electron 17
- Updated code of the calendar module
- Updated the display of the appointment reminder popup
- Updated the compose flow and message/conversation actions
- Updated the behaviour of the compose tab when switching to another VNCmail tab
- Simplifed the noOp request sync
- Improved the time for opening the calendar tab
- Added support to display any email address in a mail body with mailto links
- Updated the autocomplete API
- Improved the handling of the indexedDB and disabled indexedDB when not supported in the current browser
- [Mobile] updated the api level
- Improved the display of the contact's full name
- Fixed the display of the updated splash screen and added a new background on login
- Fixed the mail reply flow
- Improved the startup sync
- Fixed the buttons after canceling an event
- Fixed attachment handling
- Fixed the missing German translation
- Fixed the search including the spam folder
- Fixed the removing of messages/conversations from UI
- Fixed the discard mail flow
- Fixed the sorting of emails by read/unread
- Fixed the expanding of email folders and mail left/list panel resizing
- Fixed the automatical start and due date reset when changing from Quick to More Details view
- Fixed the opening of VNCproject from VNCmail
- Fixed the display of the email address with dot separation
- Fixed scheduler and autocompletion
- Fixed the saving and editing of draft emails
- Fixed the translation after sorting mails by size
- Fixed the mail display in the inbox after accepting event mails
- Fixed the delegate user sent mail storing in the sent folder
- Fixed the extra search request trigger after loading mails
- Fixed the activity stream dialog UI
- Fixed the "Move to folder" label
- Fixed the mail date display
- Fixed the UI on undo/delete/sync
- Fixed the input / autocompletion with Umlauts, paste multiple addresses
- Fixed the display of new emails in the Inbox
- Fixed the simplified user logout
- Fixed the z-index overlay
- Fixed the date format
- Fixed the display of the warning message in the create calendar pop up
- Fixed the enable/disable option of the Briefcase based on the config
- Fixed the avatar display for the mail sender
- Fixed the display of the avatar for spam mails
- Fixed the send message from blockchain
- Fixed the sidebar style
- Fixed the display of the apps in the app switcher menu
- Fixed the searching for umlauts characters
- Fixed the display of the plain text mail reply
- Fixed the display of the error message for wrong URLs
- Fixed the revoke share handling
- Fixed the changing of the signature for reply,reply all/forward mail operations
- Fixed the style for plain text
- Fixed the behavior of snooze and dismiss reminders with multiple logged in clients
- Fixed the 'save draft' option behaviour
- Fixed the create new filter option
- Fixed the rendering of emojis in mail content
- Fixed the possible exception when sending mail
- Fixed the display of the UNDO message until user performs another action
- Fixed the behavior of folder expand
- Fixed the closing of the compose tab
- Fixed the display of the snack bar
- Fixed the Send and Seal button if spell checker is enabled in the mail preferences
- Fixed the hotkeys
- Fixed the Attachment help text for low screen resolutions
- Fixed the message action from API
- Fixed the display of mail content with plain text
- Fixed the unsaved mail behaviour
- Fixed the display of the version number
- Fixed the message deletion
- Fixed the display of links in the email detail view by adding a tag for it
- Fixed the display of the mail list content
- Fixed the purge the storage
- Fixed the api endpoint for adding deeplinks
- Fixed the display of the new message content
- Fixed the mini calendar z index
- Fixed the close compose tab and updated the send mail flow
- Fixed the Insert Link / Insert Inline Image button
- Fixed the display of the mail content in mail body
- Fixed the mail folder sync
- Fixed the noOp call
- Fixed the click event console error
- Fixed the processing of message and conversation actions from UI
- Fixed the discard mail option and display of the snack bar message
- Fix the loading of the mail lib
- Fixed the mail selection after deletion
- Fixed the loading of the mail list
- Fixed various UI issues
- Fixed the manual value for location autocomplete
- Fixed the sharing of folders
- Fixed the sorting/grouping of the emails by size
- Fixed the show path
- Fixed the creation of new folders
- Fixed the removal of mails from the sent folder
- [Mobile] Fixed the quill set contents
- [Mobile] Fixed the keyboard closing action on typing on reply/reply all/forward mail
- [Mobile] Fixed the send and seal functionality
- [Mobile] Added missing long touch options on email chips
- [Mobile] Fixed the backward screen redirection from the calendar screen
- [Android] Fixed all possible cases that can reproduce error from sentry
- [Desktop Client] Fixed the display of PDF files
- [Desktop Client] Fixed the link handling
- [Desktop Client] Fixed the handling of Docusign documents
- [Firefox] Fixed the display of the user defined folder
- Fixed the opening of attachments
- Fixed the display of HTML characters in the content preview
- [Mobile] Fixed the refresh and clean up flow
- [Mobile] Fixed the opening of mails from the widget view
- Fixed the save draft mail flow after the draft mail ID was deleted
- [Mobile, Desktop Client] Fixed the tag handling
- Fixed the display of the tag selection
- Fixed the search behaviour
- Fixed the opening of attachmed email files
- Fixed the color picker
- Fixed the z-index of the appointment dialog
- Fixed the reloads
- Fixed the send and seal feature
- Fixed the attachment sending
- Fixed the update of the folder tree after clearing a folder
- Fixed the display of the mail list
- Fixed and improved the sync mechanism
- Fixed mail sending with send & seal
- Fixed the display of the avatar in the profile dialog / email tab
- Removed 'o' as hotkey
- [Mobile] Fixed the UI when when opening the app
- [Mobile] Fixed the resetting of the mail selection
- Fix the display of the total number for the selected mails
- [Mobile] Fixed the appointment dialog
- [Mobile] Fixed the jump to next message/conversation after deletion
- Fixed the cleanup of indexeddb
- Fixed the folder data for sub folders
- Fixed the left sidebar UI
- Fixed the display of the mail avatar in the list/detail panel after performing any action
- Fixed the mail sending with enabled spelling check
- Fixed the compose mail view behaviour
- Fixed the handling of the stale db to improve syncing of deleted mails/conversations
- Fixed the UI for changing the server and the login form
VNCmail 2.7
May 12. 2021
New Features:
- Snooze dialog for reminders as overlay
- Right-click menu list for email addresses
- Changed the name and description of the Appointment Notification menu in the settings
- Fixed the week number display in the mini calendar
- [Desktop App] App icon display in the running application
- Fixed the display of the selected signature in the compose view
VNCmail 2.6
April 20. 2021
New Features:
- Mini calendar in all tabs in the sidebar
- Email address checkbox for the notification in the create/edit event view.
- New option to paste and insert an image into an html signature
- Out of office popup information is now displayed correctly.
- Fixed the issue for the "reply all" function in VNCcalendar entries
- Fixed the issue which occurred when deleting an email from the search results list (console log)
- [Mobile] Current time in calendar is now displayed correctly when selecting a different view, e.g. day view
- Fixed the UI issue for the profile view of the user.
- Fixed the issue which occurred when deleting an email from the search results list
- Added the correct German translation for the Button for adding participants to an appointment in the calendar
VNCmail 2.5
February 19. 2021
New Features:
- Embed videos inside an email without opening an external website
- Fixed the display of the user's profile avatar in the mail list
- [Desktop Client] fixed the FCM eent reminders
- Fixed the star/unstar mail feature in the offline mode
- Fixed the keyboard shortcuts
- Fixed the display of emails from external accounts in the search
- Fixed the "Undo" mail option in the offline mode
- [Desktop Client] Fixed the "Unknown" error in the offline mode
- Improved the user suggestion feature in the offline mode
VNCmail 2.4
February 03. 2021
New Features:
- New option to remove avatar in the profile view
- New landscape view for iPad
- New filter tag option in the attached tag view
- New access to VNCcontacts+ from VNCmail
- UI changes in the profile dialog
- "new tag" option via right-click in the tags section
- Fixed the search results
- Fixed the display of attachments in accepted invitations
- Fixed the attachment of tags in the conversion view
- Fixed the display of filtered mails in the respective filter folder
- Exchanged the broken PDF attachment preview with a download button
- Fixed the replies on FCM notifications in the offline mode
- Spelling improvements
VNCmail 2.3
January 05. 2021
New Features:
- Implemented the calendar widget in the mail application
- Redesigned the tags section in the left sidebar
- Upgrade to angular 11
- - Fixed Searching for phrases containing Umlaut characters
- Fixed the synchronization with different clients
- Fixed the image preview display in the search results
- The VNCmail desktop client is restoring the previous size/position after closing
- Fixed the adding of external accounts with POP and IMAP protocols
- Blocked access to signatures with images / vcard in the offline mode to avoid broken images
- Fixed the mail display in the details view
- Fixed the 'Accept' option display
VNCmail 2.1.2
November 17. 2020
New Features:
- Added an option to share briefcase items publically
- Added an 'Expand All' option to the briefcase tab
- [Desktop Client] Implementation of the individual sidebar and list view alignment in the briefcase, calander, and contact tab
- Redesigned the compose view editor toolbar for Reply/Replyall/Forward and New
- Fixed the display of the 'multiple tag' chip icon
- Fixed the inline image display in specific mails
- [iPhone] Fixed the UI on the iPhone X family
- [Mobile] Fixed the image icon display in the briefcase list view
- Fixed the display of notifications in received Mails
VNCmail 1.2.5
October 23. 2020
New Features:
- Implemented the sidebar alignment in the contacts tab
- Implemented the sidebar alignment in the calendar
- Vcards can be sent as an attachment from the quick reply menu now
- Updated the left sidebar
- Improved adding of inline images from the clipboard
- Improved reloading of the page
- Fixed the the hyperlink display
- Improved the inline-image display on all clients
- Fixed the the mail list alignment
- Fixed the tag adding from the context menu
- Fixed the content format display
- [Mobile] Fixed the inline image signature
VNCmail 1.2.4
September 30. 2020
New Features:
- New offline features for VNCmail - in all clients (Web Client, Desktop Clients, Apps):
- Read your emails and write new emails with all format options.
- Mark emails as read/unread
- Reply/reply to all/forward emails
- Add and change email signatures in HTML/plain text format
- Switch to any folder while being offline
- Automated synchronization of offline emails created and sent as well as of new emails when online again
- Delete emails and mark spam mails
- Star / unstar emails
- Save draft emails and send emails from the draft folder (emails will be sent when you are online again).
VNCmail 1.2.3
September 07. 2020
New Features:
- Implemented a button to show all attachments in the mail details view
- New option to add contacts from received vcards via button
- Improved display of the attachment chips below the email subject in the reply, reply all and forward window
- Optimized the folder structure
- [Desktop] Redesign of the compose mail window
- Redesign of the RTF editor icon
- Redesign of the preferences screen
- [Mobile] Improved the print functionality
- Improved signature handling
- Fixed emoji display in the email details view
- Fixed the keyboard shortcut for sending mails
- [Desktop] Fixed the inline image display in the signature
VNCmail 1.2.2
August 11. 2020
New Features:
- Option to add .ics files to VNCcalendar via a button in each mail with .ics attachment
- Display of contact book child folders in the smart search
- UI redesign of the mail preferences
- Improvements in the briefcase sidebar folder structure
- Improved the "SaveDraft" request configuration in the mail preferences
- Fixed the inline image display in the details view
VNCmail 1.2.0
July 24. 2020
New Features:
- Implementation of revamped UI
- Individual resizing of the UI boxes for menus and emails by using the handle button
- Checkbox to enable/disable a short mail preview in the mail list
- Nwe Drag&Drop sorting option for email filters
- Changed the presentation of the attachment list from bottom to top in the mail detail view
- Redesign of the Preference UI and options.
- New keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M to move emails
- [Calendar] Fix the start week selection setting in the Mini calendar and the popup of the calendar
- [Desktop Client] Improved the font layout
- Fixed the behavior of repeating events
- Fixed the copy contact option in the shared contact list
- [Mobile] Improved behaviour of the preferences menu
- Fixed the editor behaviour when starting an enumeration
VNCmail 1.0.11
July 07. 2020
New Features:
- Contacts can be attached to the attachment option from the mail compose window
- Tooltip with the folder pathname in the move dialog
- Shortened folder names in the move dialog
- Tooltip when hovering over address chips
- [mobile] Optimized header layout
- [VNCcontacts] Improved contact counter
- Fixed missing and improved German translations
VNCmail 1.0.10
June 25. 2020
New Features:
- Spell check option in the Reply/Reply all and Forward window
- Re-designed the popup arrow
- Re-designed the main screen with dialogs, popups, fonts, and more
- Improved the attachment download
- Improved date line: according to current local time
- [Mobile] Improved alignment of the TO/BCC/CC fields
- Fixed the BCC field behaviour
- Improved display of inline images
VNCmail 1.0.8
May 29. 2020
New Features:
- Resizable sidebar sections "My Folders" and "System folders"
- Upgrade from Angular 8 to Angular 9
- Optimized autocompletion
- [IE] Fixed the console error after opening a mail in the details view
- [Mobile] Optimized the Contact group header UI
- Improved the display of email conversions for plain text emails
VNCmail 1.0.7
May 19. 2020
New Features:
- Cursor navigation with Arrow keys (Up/Down) in the email list
- Toolbar for selected distribution lists to write a new email to one or more DLs
- Email Options (Signature, Priority, and read receipt) added for the Reply, Reply All, and Forward window.
- Disabled the automatic correction of capital letters
- Added contact groups to the address selection popup
- Changed the preselection in the address popup to GAL
- Improved behaviour of contact groups inside shared folders
- Fixed the "view more attachments" option
- Improved the behaviour of the email editor header
- Improved email notification behaviour after an attachment was deleted
- Improved sorting of GAL user lists in the address selection popup
VNCmail 1.0.6
May 11. 2020
New Features:
- Implemented a tree structure for the smart search in the sidebar.
- New Feature: Delete emails by pressing the DEL key on the keyboard
- Optimized the color selection and default color of new folders.
- Improved the update of contact group member lists after saving.
- Improved the display of recipients in the "to" field when writing an email starts from a contact group.
- Fixed the behavior of email addresses in the to/cc/bcc fields.
- Improved the handling of new personas.
- Optimized the timezone selection in the main preference window.
VNCmail 1.0.5
May 04. 2020
New Features:
- Editable TO, CC, BCC fields for draft mails
- Copy contacts feature for shared address books.
- Wording improvements for the composing window.
- Optimized the mail history time format
- Added the member list view and new email options to the distribution list.
April 15. 2020
New Features:
- Option to add contact details as vCard to the signature
- New menu option to add and edit contacts via right-click on the email address to the contact list
- Improved design of the briefcase folder list
- Improved activity stream behaviour after language changes
- Added German translations to the tooltips of the HTML options in the text editor of the composing screen
April 03. 2020
New Features:
- Notification emails when adding/editing/removing delegates
- [Web Client] Improved email attachment behaviour: every attachment is opening in a separate new tab
- [Mobile] Improved creating folders process
- [IOS] Fixed the cursor focus in the reply/reply all/ forward screen
- Improved table display in the mail details view
- Improved the "Undo" behaviour for deleted messages
- [Mobile] Removed unnecessary kebab menu from the "New Document" screen in the briefcase section
March 31. 2020
New Features:
- [Web Client] "Activity stream" filter: move less important emails from the inbox automatically
- [Web Client] Added titles for Reply/reply all/forward in the mail compose header
- "Create appointment" option in the mail list menu
- [Mobile] Red highlighting for the mandatory name field to save search parameters
- Changed button name from"Update" to "Save" in the edit tag menu
- [Mobile] Implemented long taps for email folders
- [IOS 13] Fixed the simple search