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VNCproject 5.1.17

December 22. 2023

New Features:

  1. New Download button in the file browser  
  2. New 'New Query' page UI


  1. Updated the color of the unwatch button on the ticket page  
  2. Improved the appearance of next and previous months in the calendar module
  3. Improved the icons for "Questions" and "Custom queries" in the sidebar  


  1. Fixed the UI of the search in the sidebar
  2. Fixed the alignment of the date and the overlapping month and year dropdowns in the calendar module  
  3. Several improvements of the search component  
  4. Fixed the workflow of saving and deleting templates in the global search  
  5. Improved the 'New repository' page
  6. Fixed the alignment of the search and close icons in all search fields

VNCproject 5.1.15

December 13. 2023

New Features:

  1. New 'select tag' dropdown menu styles in the 'Create recurrence' module        
  2. New UI on the 'New project' page  


  1. Fixed the meta task title display
  2. Fixed the application dropdown on pages with horizontal scrolling

VNCproject 5.1.14

December 08. 2023

New Features:

  1. New popup window for "Adding a Recurrence" for more convenient creation of recurring tasks


  1. Updated achievement icons    
  2. Updated "No internet connection" banner


  1. Fixed the Hours field focus when opening the log time module and the padding in the footer
  2. Fixed the access rights to the "Delete all attachments" option, the popup header title and the padding between the Cancel and Delete button in the "Delete all files" popup header
  3. Fixed the UI of the project switcher dropdown
  4. Fixed the related ticket search in meta tasks
  5. Fixed the padding around the page header and the fonts on all pages of a project  
  6. Fixed the overlapping ticket tile and icon buttons on the ticket page

VNCproject 5.1.13

December 01. 2023

New Features:

  1. Collapse or expand all sections at once: Users can collapse or expand all with CTRL(Command) + click on any section in tickets, tasks, metatasks and other pages where multiple sections are visible.
  2. Snack bar notifications for task watching and unwatching on Wiki and News pages. New UI of watch and unwatch buttons for improved usability.    


  1. Updated and improved the UI of the watchers popup
  2. Updated the icons in the floating menu, the table and the header, the new file page and the Add button text to SAVE. Replaced/updated the download icon and the version icon on the attachments page of a project.
  3. Optimized the display of leave days (table, column width) and sorting of groups in the Holiday module


  1. Fixed the ticket layout when a time overrun occurs
  2. Fixed the broken robot warning bar in the header section  
  3. Fixed the ticket preview background color in the global search and the display of the divider in the pagination area
  4. Fixed the display of the result filters in the global search
  5. Fixed the rounding of OTA values in the issue history and edit ticket form field  
  6. [Mobile] Fixed the broken warning bar
  7. Fixed the padding in the 'edit meta roadmap' popup and set the standard input component for names  
  8. Fixed the dragging of Agile cards on the Agile board  
  9. Fixed the status display after refreshing the list in the ITIL module
  10. Fixed the archiving of projects
  11. Fixed the drag and drop overlay on the ticket detail page

VNCproject 5.1.11

October 02. 2023

New Features:

  1. New notification bar for lost network connections


  1. Updated the project settings and version pages
  2. Improved the project file page title
  3. Changed sidebar panel to hidden by default, improved ticket detail page    
  4. Improved kebab menu on the ticket page
  5. Improved the attachment tile grid
  6. Renamed the tabs for new and edit ticket


  1. Fixed the access of the user profile in the sidebar panel when clicking on the action wheel
  2. Re-aligned the delete icon in the calendar of an agile card  
  3. Fixed the overlapping of the action button and the main menu bar
  4. Fixed the checklist title on the ticket detail page
  5. Improved the tag components color and size  
  6. Fixed the cross icon of the search field in the version popup  
  7. Improved the UI of the filter button and filter items
  8. Improved the UI of the robot planning popup
  9. Fixed the visibility of attachments on the SLA page

VNCproject 5.1.9

September 15. 2023

New Features:

  1. New tracking icon on the project overview page    
  2. Added Lazy Load for tickets


  1. Re-aligned the day indicator element on the agile board  
  2. Changed the snack bar notification text color
  3. Improved the filter button UI
  4. Re-arranged the drop-down menu of the portfolio page


  1. Added a missing popup for tickets moved to a date with zero capacity in the robot planning
  2. Removed the white stripe line in the warning bar  
  3. Fixed the position of the story point field has on the ticket detail page  
  4. Fixed the preview of the agile canvas on the agile board  
  5. Updated te padding between the contextual button and the column header  
  6. Removed the text under the assignee field in the new task form  
  7. Updated the tag drop-down menu on the agile cards
  8. Removed the animation when hovering over a subject in the roadmap table  
  9. Updated the robot planning on the base of the priority of the ticket  
  10. Fixed the attachment field on the SLA page  
  11. Fixed the overlapping trophy and Agile card text on the achievement page  
  12. Fixed the overlapping of the inline edit form while running the robot planning
  13. Removed the back arrow from the helpdesk title on the helpdesk page  

VNCproject 5.1.8

August 31. 2023

New Features:

  1. New sidebar panel UI  
  2. New notification for illogical time ranges in the capacity planning      


  1. Updated the action wheel UI in agile cards
  2. Updated the cancel button
  3. Updated the Dashboard portlets


  1. Updated the global search UI
  2. Updated the size of the progress bar on the ticket detail page
  3. Updated the preview on the meta roadmap page
  4. Fixed the kebab menu on the dashboard  
  5. Updated the navigation on the ticket detail page  
  6. Fixed the overlapping kebab and main menu

VNCproject 5.1.6

August 16. 2023

New Features:

  1. New action buttons in the user list at the sidebar    


  1. Updated the priority field in the new task module  
  2. Updated the user page UI  
  3. Updated the primary button components


  1. Updated the attributes of the kebab menu
  2. Fixed the overlapping ticket title and border header on the agile board page  
  3. Fixed the scrolling on the meta task related table  
  4. Added missing translation strings
  5. Fixed the broken trophy preview popup
  6. Fixed the opening of ITIL tickets  
  7. Fixed the empty achievement page
  8. Removed the flashing effect from the history note
  9. Fixed the content of the updated WIKI pages in the sidebar panel
  10. Fixed the bulk edit popup UI  
  11. Fixed the achievement page UI
  12. Fixed the sorting on the roadmap page  
  13. Aligned the "save" text within the save button of ticket notes  

VNCproject 5.1.4

July 28. 2023

New Features:

  1. Updated the inline editing of meta tasks
  2. Updated the file upload icon  
  3. Updated the save search settings flow


  1. Improved the kebab drop-down menu UI
  2. Improved the divider on the agile cards
  3. Updated the global dropdown search input field
  4. Updated left sidebar UI of tickets


  1. Fixed the filter on the achievement page
  2. Fixed the tooltips in the version popup  
  3. Added a missing tooltip to the add watcher icon    
  4. Re-aligned the history and subproject icons
  5. Added spacing to the filter chips and the tabs on the spent time page  
  6. Updated the app switcher on the helpdesk page  
  7. Updated the global search bar
  8. Added missing tooltips
  9. Fixed the font of the project field on the agile board page

VNCproject 5.1.3

July 21. 2023


  1. Adjusted the length of the filter bar
  2. Added a checkbox to disable the display of trackers when creating a new project


  1. Fixed the log time update when the Agile Board is blocked
  2. Fixed the tag field on the agile card
  3. Updated the achievement page UI
  4. Updated the queries design
  5. Removed the drop down animation from the header
  6. Improved the capacity popup
  7. Updated the single collapse/expand row workflow
  8. Fixed the visibility of the overdue and open task columns
  9. Updated the metatask search chips
  10. UI improvements in the dashboard portlets
  11. Fixed the overlapping of the helpdesk form
  12. Removed the robot popup from the meta task and meta roadmap page

VNCproject 5.1.2

July 13. 2023

New Features:

  1. Access rights on meta task level


  1. Updated the app icon in the app switcher
  2. Updated the inline tag filed of the issue table  
  3. Updated the 'empty' results screen of the Global Search
  4. Replaced the filter inside meta tasks with the action panel component  
  5. Updated the loader of the attachments dialog  
  6. Updated the ticket preview
  7. Updated the continuous loader of the robot popup button
  8. Minor UI improvements


  1. Removed the UI artefacts while scrolling
  2. Fixed the Robot planning
  3. Fixed the overlapping search field
  4. Fixed the agile card display
  5. [Mobile] Improved the helpdesk UI
  6. Improved the project field on the ticket detail page  

VNCproject 5.1.0

June 20. 2023


  1. New 'Open all' logic on the meta task detail page      
  2. Improved the hour selection dropdown module in the log time popup
  3. Improved the floating button design
  4. Removed the search field from the assignee field when there are less than 8 entries


  1. Fixed the priority text
  2. Fixed the detail page UI
  3. Re-aligned the input fields on the issue detail page  
  4. Improved the user detail page UI
  5. Added a missing search field to the assignee field
  6. Improved the background color of the agile cards on the achievement page
  7. Improved the paginationon the issue page
  8. Fixed the bulk update of tickets
  9. Updated the agile cards on the achievement page
  10. Fixed the adding of checklists
  11. Fixed the snack bar notification of the save button
  12. Fixed the agile icon when all tickets are assigned
  13. Fixed the tooltip display
  14. Fixed the display of the checklists in the ticket overlay

VNCproject 5.0.9

May 05. 2023

New Features:

  1. Add related tickets to metatasks by kebab dropdown menu


  1. Updated the profile/settings page


  1. Fixed the clone ticket flow on the Agile Board
  2. Removed the buggy loader from the lightbox  
  3. Fixed the missing kebab menu on the ticket detail page  
  4. Improved the navigation after adding related tickets to meta tasks
  5. Added missing icons to the attachment tiles  
  6. Fixed the priority filed of the meta task cards
  7. Fixed the display time of the snack bar notifications  
  8. Fixed the missing agile counter
  9. Fixed the scrolling in the OTA history popup
  10. Fixed UI jumping glitches
  11. [mobile] Fixed the due date field on the issue page  

VNCproject 5.0.8

April 28. 2023

New Features:

  1. Redirect icon added to the meta task header  
  2. Relate meta tasks via URL  


  1. Updated the Watcher section and ticket UI
  2. Improved Capacity popup  
  3. Updated the floating button icons
  4. Improved the search flow of the drop-down field  


  1. Fixed the attachment titles on the helpdesk page
  2. Fixed the video handling  
  3. [mobile] Fixed the sidebar panel
  4. Fixed the Agile Board filter results  
  5. Alert message added after updating the capacity of the day  
  6. Fixed the creation of new meta tasks

VNCproject 5.0.5

March 31. 2023

New Features:

  1. 'Download all' button for attachments
  2. Ticket preview popups are configurable  
  3. Priority colors in browser tab icons
  4. Ticket preview in the global search results  
  5. Added pagination to the admin's project page  
  6. Configurable ticket tabs on project level
  7. [Mobile] Show full ticket subject by tap


  1. Improved the Global search UI
  2. Improved the user profile menu
  3. Improved the attachment tiles on the document page
  4. Improved the padding of the project selector drop-down


  1. Improved the header display on the agile board page
  2. Fixed the % done calculation  
  3. Fixed the broken attachment tile on the ticket detail page
  4. Fixed the bulk action box on the related ticket table of meta tasks  
  5. Improved the header on the settings page
  6. Improved the calendar display in the 'edit meta roadmap' popup
  7. Fixed the display of the watcher list on the ticket detail page
  8. Fixed the preview of meta tasks
  9. Improved the 'new file' button on the 'new file' page
  10. Improved the project overview page
  11. Improved the header column on the agile board page
  12. Improved the meta task display in the related ticket table
  13. Fixed the 'collapse/expand all' icon in the related ticket table of meta tasks
  14. Fixed the display of inline images in tickets
  15. Fixed the display of the meta task title in the related ticket table
  16. Fixed the removal of watchers on the dashboard page
  17. Fixed the overlapping text on the agile cards
  18. Fixed the 'check all' checkbox of the related ticket table on the meta task page
  19. Fixed the watcher list in the 'edit ticket' overlay  
  20. Fixed the priority field
  21. Updated the icon of the snackbar notification
  22. Improved the contextual action buttons on the ticket detail page
  23. Fixed the column header and counter on the agile board
  24. Fixed the drag & drop of files
  25. [Mobile] improved the filters

VNCproject 5.0.4

March 24. 2023

New Features:

  1. Bulk editing of the related ticket table in meta tasks
  2. New filter for the related issue table of meta tasks on the meta roadmap page  


  1. Updated the attachment tiles on the Wiki page  


  1. Improved the search on the knowledgebase page
  2. Updated the position of the hover button on the attachment tile  
  3. Improved the subject column width on the issue page
  4. [Mobile] Improved the filter icon position on the project page
  5. Added a clock timer to the sidebar of the helpdesk issue page
  6. Removed the flashing effect on the bulk action box when clicking the checkboxes  
  7. Fixed the overlapping of the drop-down list menu
  8. Fixed the saving of attachment files
  9. Fixed the UI on the issue page
  10. Fixed the broken attachment tile on the helpdesk issue page  
  11. Improved the editor of the ticket overlay on the agile board portlet  
  12. Fixed the missing ticket preview on the search page  

VNCproject 5.0.3

March 10. 2023

New Features:

  1. Move Meta Tasks  
  2. Auto-addition of tickets related to project and version when adding a project or version to a meta task  
  3. Ticket search and bulk actions in the Meta Task table  


  1. Improved the robot planning popup
  2. Removed the Robot planning popup from the user profile page  


  1. Fixed the column header content of the agile board
  2. Improved the watcher list in the ticket overlay
  3. Improved the alignment of the kebab drop down menu
  4. Improved the bulk edit popup
  5. [Mobile] Fixed the user mentioning in the editor
  6. [Mobile] Fixed the hierarchical table view
  7. [Mobile] Improved the spacing on the edit ticket page
  8. Removed the flash effect on the agile card when moving an agile card below the header column  
  9. Improved the UI of the ticket edit overlay
  10. Fixed the 'Check all' button on the related table of meta tasks
  11. Removed an unnecessary snack bar notification from the agile board  
  12. Improved the action column on the timesheet page
  13. Improved the arrow icon on the timesheet page  

VNCproject 5.0.1

February 23. 2023

New Features:

  1. In-line editing to add a ticket to a meta task from the issue table  
  2. In-line editing of tickets opened from the search results
  3. Editing added to the search result item popup  


  1. Moved the action buttons of ITIL tickets to the kebab menu  
  2. Updated the Version page
  3. Renamed the issue tab to tickets  
  4. Updated the ticket watchers logic
  5. Improved the popup behaviour
  6. In-place editing closes now on clicking outside the popup
  7. Updated the watcher form when a watcher is added from the top box  


  1. Fixed the automated redirection to the next file if an attached video file ends
  2. The contextual icons over the buttons were removed from the issue page
  3. Fixed the 'done' button of the robot popup    
  4. Fixed the missing filter item on the agile board
  5. Improved the Collapse/ Expand menu of colums of the new meta roadmap popup  
  6. Fixed the priority field of meta tasks
  7. Improved the navigation after the deletion of a ticket from the meta task table  
  8. Fixed the ITIL workflow
  9. Fixed the redirection after a new category is created from the edit overlay of a ticket  
  10. Fixed the internal error when the user switches to the Agile view of a specific project  
  11. Fixed the date field on the SLA detail page  
  12. Improved the autocompletion of the search
  13. Improved the navigation on the meta task page  
  14. Layout improvements
  15. Fixed the opening of the Agile Board in a new tab

VNCproject 5.0.0

February 15. 2023

New Features:

  1. Delete saved search templates
  2. Improved the spent time dropdown filters


  1. Added an empty state message to collapsed metatask sections
  2. Replaced icons of the floating buttons of the Agile Board
  3. Replaced the capacity popup with a tooltip


  1. Meta roadmap layout improvements  
  2. Fixed the display of the Agile Board filter results
  3. Fixed the show bar layout of the project settings module
  4. Fixed the Internal server error on meta task creation  
  5. Improved the Helpdesk font and color
  6. Fixed the quick filters of the global search
  7. Fixed the display of cloned tickets in the correct column
  8. Fixed the related ticket workflow of the Helpdesk module
  9. Fixed the Tag field in the edit ticket overlay
  10. Fixed the timer in helpdesk tickets
  11. Fixed the robot planning
  12. Fixed the timesheet PDF download
  13. Fixed the stat display in the group user header
  14. Fixed the routing of the navigation buttons
  15. Removed the background color from the mentioned user
  16. Improved the attachment field of agile board cards
  17. Improved the position of the contextual action buttons
  18. Improved the height of the note editor  
  19. Fixed the text of the snack bar notification
  20. Fixed the comment formatting in meta tasks


February 03. 2023

New Features:

  1. Highlight animation after editing a meta roadmap


  1. Updated the 'immediate' priority field
  2. Improved the hover effect of the issue tracker  
  3. Updated the hover effect of the preview text in the editor
  4. Fixed the meta task detail page
  5. Removed the tab button from the settings page when the sidebar is closed  
  6. Fixed the redirection from the ticket detail page
  7. Fixed the copy & paste workflow from the release notes list to ticket notes
  8. Fixed the broken due date field on the Agile Board card
  9. Removed the duplicate fields from the priority search drop down
  10. Fixed the console error while adding an assignee to the filter
  11. Fixed the internal server error when sorting the tickets of the related ticket table  
  12. Fixed the kebab menu of meta roadmaps
  13. Fixed the navigation after creating a meta roadmap
  14. Fixed the text of the insert link popup  
  15. Added missing space between the top menu and the help desk content


January 27. 2023

New Features:

  1. New indication message for already related tickets    


  1. Updated the Snackbar message for meta task updates and removed full page-reload after Meta task updates
  2. Updated the tag field of the Helpdesk issue form  
  3. Improved the avatar resolution


  1. Fixed the Meta roadmap UI
  2. Fixed the redirection to the meta roadmap page after creating a new meta roadmap  
  3. Fixed the edit anchor scroll issue
  4. Fixed the internal server error on the issue page  
  5. Improved the priority field on the meta roadmap page
  6. Fixed the Avatar display in the meta task-related issue table
  7. Fixed the display of filtered results by clicking the marker on the alert message
  8. Fixed the total ticket count including related ticket titles of meta roadmaps  
  9. Fixed the display of updates via inline editing
  10. Fixed the movement of the priority field in meta roadmaps
  11. Re-aligned the preview and edit button in the editor
  12. Fixed the overlapping tooltips on the meta roadmap page  
  13. Removed an unnecessary popup from the meta roadmap page  


January 17. 2023

New Features:

  1. New option to manually edit the meta task completion rate  
  2. New 'Related ticket' UI: padding and color, sorting, additional checkboxes and a multi-select feature    


  1. Significant improvements of the Meta roadmap UI  
  2. Improved the Meta task collapsed view
  3. Added more options to the Meta Task editor popup
  4. Improved the 'log time' workflows


  1. Improved the performance of Agile Board moving actions
  2. Fixed the overlapping preview of tickets in Meta Roadmaps
  3. Fixed the preview of the comment and description in updated tickets
  4. Fixed the saving of selected display modes of the Meta Roadmap table
  5. Added missing information to the sidebar
  6. Added the missing Project and Version table to Meta Roadmaps
  7. [Roadmap module] Improved the display of selected sidebar filter results  
  8. Added the missing tooltip to the collapse button on the Meta Roadmap page  
  9. Fixed the broken layout of the Meta Roadmap table after updating the priority of a ticket
  10. Fixed the arrow icons of the collapse/expand action


December 21. 2022

New Features:

  1. Added user avatars with the VNClagoon Action Wheel to the global search    


  1. Improved the UI of the 'Add version' flow
  2. Updated the search bar UI  
  3. Updated the snack bar notification text for watch/unwatch tickets
  4. Added opacity and tooltips to the left issue box
  5. Disabled inline editing in the main edit mode
  6. Added a focus to the JS editor and Tiny MCE editor  


  1. Fixed the aliignment of attachments
  2. Fixed the Filter design
  3. Fixed the counter and missing tickets in the overdue column
  4. Fixed the Helpdesk tracker  
  5. Fixed the real-time updates on the Agile Board
  6. Fixed the redirecting after changing the Assignee
  7. Fixed the action button on the Agile Board
  8. Layout improvements
  9. [Mobile] Updated the chips and headers
  10. Fixed the overlapping buttons in the metatask module
  11. Fixed the history display
  12. Fixed the behauviour of the Edit button
  13. Fixed the alignment of tickets on the Agile Board
  14. Fixed the overlapping of text and icon in the overbooking warning notification
  15. Fixed the tag sub-menu in the context menu
  16. Fixed the user mentioning on the Agile Board
  17. Fixed the display of tickets updated in the overdue column  
  18. Disabled the bug ticket option in the helpdesk module
  19. Fixed the ticket overlay
  20. [Mobile] Fixed the 'Mention user' list
  21. Fixed the mentioning in Agile Card Comments
  22. Fixed the UI on the meta task page
  23. Fixed the overlapping of note number and text
  24. Fixed the UI on the Incident page  
  25. Added a missing favicon
  26. Fixed the adding of tags when using inline editing
  27. Fixed the overlapping of icons and text
  28. Removed the 'Check all' checkbox from the tracking tab
  29. Fixed the Avatar for watchers and groups  
  30. Fixed the edit layout when the sidebar is open  
  31. Improved the Assignee drop-down


December 08. 2022

New Features:

  1. Checklists in recurring tickets  


  1. Updated the icons of the timesheet, WIKI and attachment pages  
  2. Improved project and subproject UI


  1. Fixed the real-time updates on the agile board
  2. Success notification icon replaced by checkmark icon
  3. Fixed the disappearing filter button
  4. Fixed the creation of related tickets
  5. HTML fragments removed from the plain text of non-ITIL notification mails
  6. Fixed the broken text of the ticket detail page
  7. Fixed the display of deleted test tickets on the agile board
  8. Removed the flashing of the Tag field while adding tags
  9. Fixed the back button on the journal page
  10. Fixed the ticket display in the overdue column
  11. Increased the clicking area of the filter button
  12. Fixed the agile view
  13. Removed the extra space from the 'update capacity' popup
  14. Fixed the capacity dialog
  15. Added the missing project field to the WIKI page  
  16. Added the missing horizontal scroll bar added to the agile board page  


November 04. 2022


  1. Improved the UI of the project description section
  2. Updated the UI of the project module box


  1. Improved the manual sorting of tickets in columns
  2. Updated the tag section on the ticket detail page
  3. Added the missing 'Add project' button on the user profile page
  4. Re-aligned the filter chips below the filter button
  5. Updated the watcher avatar in the watcher lists
  6. Re-aligned the buttons in helpdesk tickets
  7. Updated the minimized card state
  8. Fixed the VNCproject notifications
  9. Fixed the display of added attachments in tickets in the lightbox  
Right Menu Icon