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Confidential Computing

The User Experience Framwork delivers the real magic in VNClagoon

Confidential Computing

The User Experience Framwork delivers
the real magic in VNClagoon

Confidential Computing

Conventional and rigid user concepts are now a thing of the past. VNCuxf (user experience framework) is our state of the art front end technology. Our scope was to have one code base for any operating system, browser and device. This seemed to be impossible a few years ago. The vision of not having to maintain several SDK, OS, browsers and devices by using a hybrid tool set came across as somewhat illusionary.

But we at VNC made our bet. And we succeeded. All our products can be easily adapted to a variety of environments. This allows us also to offer our stack to partners as OEM and branded versions. Even more, we can easily change UI (user interface) and UX (user experience) to meet the needs of any given requirement in any industry.

Its clean interface and feature-rich tools help you unleash your creativity and enhance your productivity. VNCoffice includes several applications that makes it the most powerful Open Source office suite on the market.

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Fully Encrypted

Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in

Your Local Server

Hosted wherever you want: On Premise, Private or Public Cloud.

Open Source

Auditable Code and seamless integration

How can you do Confidential Computing with VNClagoon?

It enables the integration in existing applications and Meta Tools.

Why Confidential Computing Is Important in 2024

Personalization of your product.
VNCuxf is able to combine several functions on a cross-product and cross-application basis. VNCuxf visualizes data from different applications like VNCmail, VNCportal, VNCproject, VNCtalk etc. and focuses on design and usability. Therefore, VNCuxf enables the creation of super individualized solutions for any customer at any time. You can easily anticipate VNCuxf by thinking of a building set: Any feature, function, application or integrated product – whatever your requirements are – VNCuxf knows no boundaries with regard to combination and design possibilities. With VNCuxf you can design individualized products, just as you wish.

Confidential Computing

We offer highly secure and open source solutions for enterprise organizations.

3-in-1 Solution

An abstract front-end for back-end services, a platform to built Meta Tools and an outstanding, unparalleled integration tool.

State-of-the-art Technologies

VNCuxf is an abstract front-end for back-end services based on the most modern technology in this field.

Access to Databases

No matter what your requirements are. VNCuxf is able to support you with any kind of data you need, due to its seamless integration with VNCaxf.

Design Elements

VNCuxf extract the data from the different applications like VNCmail, VNCproject or VNCcast and just focuses on the design elements.

Information at a Glance

VNCuxf easily retrieves the stored data or information from the database and presents exact matches out of any application you use.

Modular Principle

Any feature, function, application or integrated product – whatever your requirements are – VNCuxf knows no boundaries with respect to combination and design possibilities.

VNCufx support with any kind of data

Our customers are having millions of secure conversations, video calls, and video events.

With VNCuxf you are going to reach the next level in data accessibility

Personalization of your product:
VNCuxf is able to combine several functions on a cross-product and cross-application basis. VNCuxf visualizes data from different applications like VNCmail, VNCportal, VNCproject, VNCtalk etc. and focuses on design and usability. Therefore, VNCuxf enables the creation of super individualized solutions for any customer at any time. You can easily anticipate VNCuxf by thinking of a building set: Any feature, function, application or integrated product – whatever your requirements are – VNCuxf knows no boundaries with regard to combination and design possibilities. With VNCuxf you can design individualized products, just as you wish.

Technical Docs

We offer highly secure and open source solutions for enterprise organizations.

Users Manual

Encrypted and safe individual and group chats from any device and location
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Terms of Agreement

Perfect audio and video quality, screensharing, whiteboards and more
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Store data, search and retrieve information and generate knowledge – collaboratively!
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What Our Customers Say

“Craftwork has created a sense of comparison and even exploration, but as an instant medium. We must now devise spaces that deliver exploration, but with drama and surprise”
“Craftwork has created a sense of comparison and even exploration, but as an instant medium.

Lucas Schult, CEO of Health Info Net AG

“VNC and DFB GmbH have been working together intensively for many years. We want to continue and expand this. The DFBnet mailbox developed and implemented by VNC has enormously accelerated and simplified our internal communication. With this, we see ourselves well prepared for future requirements.”

Steffen Iredi, authorized signatory at DFB GmbH and responsible Director Technology & Operations

“With VNCtalk, we have found a solution that fully meets our requirements in terms of security, data sovereignty, functional scope and openness.”

Lucas Schult, CEO of Health Info Net AG

“Our company was looking for a better integrated solution than our current Exchange system. I was tasked to look at any and all available options, test and report back. From my very first email to the most recent one today, the support has been outstanding with quick, concise information and documentation.”

Dale Britt, Hyperline Systems Canada Ltd.

“The federal state church intranet should strengthen communication and cooperation within the state church. The basic aim is to provide all full-time employees and volunteers of the regional church with access to an innovative, modern and unified communication and collaboration infrastructure. The VNClagoon products are particularly well suited for this, because they allow us as a state church – in addition to the many functionalities provided – the possibility of customization options to individual needs within our church. “

Tabea Langguth, Project Manager Landeskirchenweites Intranet, EKBO

“My team and I are very thankful for being able to count on the professional and sophisticated VNC team. VNC has supported us with a series of important projects, always exceeding our high expectations.”

Marius Hjelset, Project Head Hosted Services, Vodafone Group

“With VNC we have gained a partner for whom data security is also a top priority. The integration of VNC’s solutions is fully in line with our best-of-breed strategy. It provides another comprehensive, scalable offering that allows companies to emancipate themselves from US providers and retain complete control over their data.”

Tobias Gerlinger, CEO of ownCloud

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is VNC?

VNC is a global software corporation that develops open source communication and collaboration applications for large organizations.

VNC – Virtual Network Consult, is based in Switzerland, Germany and India, serving a variety of partners and customers such as enterprises, associations and corporations, telcos and system integrators, financial institutions, NGOs, healthcare providers, government agencies and more.

What is VNClagoon?

VNClagoon is an integrated suite of enterprise applications offering a secure alternative to the established software giants. Now it is possible to collaborate with anyone, from anywhere, on any device, under the strictest privacy standards available while retaining the right to digital sovereignty.

What are the advantages of VNClagoon?

VNClagoon is an unrivaled unified and secure suite of communication and collaboration solutions that offers numerous benefits:

  • flexible, modular and integrated applications for seamless workflows and communications
  • state-of-the-art user interfaces – performant, brandable, customizable: mobile apps, web clients, desktop clients
  • low TCO
  • modular and scalable
  • privacy compliant, transparent and secure -> open source!
  • hosting of your choice (private / public cloud, on premise)
  • granular rights/role management thanks to VNCdirectory
How are vulnerable data protected?

With VNClagoon you can protect sensitive data at the following levels:

  • Hosting of applications in the place of trust (private cloud, hosting provider, on premise)
  • granular access control for administration, managers, clients etc.
  • Open source code, therefore auditable
How can I get VNClagoon?
You can become a VNClagoon user by sending us your details here: and we will get back to you.

Or you can start a free trial on our VNClagoon LIVE platform here:

How can I contact VNC?
What is the VNC Partner Program?
There are several options for you as a reseller to get involved, starting from simple resale of VNClagoon products, to hosting complex VNClagoon infrastructures and up to offering a wide range of support and services to customers.

VNC is committed to developing the world’s best Communication & Collaboration Suite. As we have limited resources for professional services on local markets, we rely on our partners for the delivery of complete solutions to the customers. We aim to build mutually beneficial and lasting relationships. Learn more about the Partner Program here:

Are you ready for VNClagoon?

Get started with VNClagoon in your enterprise. Are you a Software Vendor or a Telco? Become a Reseller and sell VNClagoon to your customers.

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