We released a new VNCtask explainer video. This short (1:40 minutes) animated video focuses on explaining the idea behind VNCtask in a simple, engaging and compelling way, by using a clear and concise language. The appealing and attractive visuals quickly grab the...
In May, we introduced our service VNClagoon LIVE – our reference implementation of several VNClagoon products to showcase our complete communication and collaboration stack with superior features, utmost security, great design and cool user interfaces. What is...
VNCproject Version and Version released – Introduction of VNCproject Robot Planning The Agile Board within our 360 degree project management solution VNCproject serves the purpose to promote the self-organisation of team members. The Agile Board...
The “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” released an article about the efficient distribution of workload. (Source: dpa) Too little time for too many tasks – this leads to overtime and is stressful for employees. To prevent stress symptoms such as concentration...
We released the latest version of VNCproject (Version 3.6.8) and added some cool new features to make VNCproject even more powerful. Version 3.6.8 includes a new search box type called “select2″ to make long dropdown lists more convenient. The second brand...
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