We released the latest version of VNCmail, which contains several fixes and improvements for our business email software:
- The Sentry code was improved
- Mails are deleted without reloading the page, the workflow was further optimized here.
- The user interface for the mobile and web view of the contact list was further improved.
- The back button in the contacts tab works faster now.
- Optimized focus: when creating new mails or folders, the focus is set to the respective text fields automatically.
- Design improvements: Loading Spinner icon now available when loading more mails or contacts.
- The view of the folder icons was improved.
- Optimized mail filter creation in the VNCuxf interface.
- Improved drop down menus.
- German Translations were extended and optimized.
- Easier import of contacts in the VNCuxf interface.
- Optimized mail view.
- Improved design for multi-selection in the briefcase tab.
- Improved downloads for the briefcase tab.
- Improved links for mail content.
- Manual Re-Login fixed: Token is created automatically after the validity period has expired.
If you like to read more about VNCmail please visit our Website or contact us via email.