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We just released a new version of VNCproject, our full-featured project management software.

Version 3.6.6 contains some brand new features. We added a completely new tab to tickets, so a user can now also add defined release notes, e.g. to be able to publish release information and to add them automatically for example to a news feed. Example of the new ticket view: 


We also implemented a new feature for managers who will now receive notifications for overdue tickets. The achievement board received a new appearance: Achievements are displayed for the last 14 days for each user.

In Version 3.6.5 we improved the responsive design.

Read about all features, changes and fixes in our release notes!

The browser-based, open and fully customizable solution leaves nothing to be desired: VNCproject combines task and ticket management, scheduling, progress monitoring, Gantt charts as well as time tracking, wikis and powerful project planning features. Having all these different features in one single project management tool enables you to work as fast and efficient as never before.

Read more about VNCproject on!

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