As the demand for chat and communication tools has skyrocketed due to the coronavirus pandemic, we get lots of alerts regarding hourlong outages of services such as Microsoft Teams (e.g. Major issues reported across Europe and US by techradar on Monday 16 March).
The issues appear to be intermittent and related to the huge number of users signing on.
VNCtalk can be implemented in a more stable way to mitigate the risk of severe outages.
Let us explain:
First of all, VNCtalk can be installed in decentralized datacenters, in different organisational structures, which then can be interconnected via VNCiom.
Thereby, the load can be distributed to a very high extend.
Secondly, we rely on Open Source technologies, which enable us to select the very best tool for each requirement.
In regards of audio and video conferencing, VNCtalk is based upon the Jitsi Videobridge, a multiuser video XMPP server component. Thus, we are using a bridge for all audio and video calls, not WebRTC.
The advantages are:
- more scalable: you can run thousands of video streams from a single server
- higher quality: video relay technology
- super secure: call encryption
Please get back to us for more details!
Get a hands-on experience of VNCtalk by downloading the free App.
You are interested in technical details?
Please have a look at our VNCtalk Architecture Chart:
Professionals will see at the first glance that this is a full blown, scalable enterprise application and not just another neat “chat app”.
Detailed information about VNCtalk, more technical details, visuals and the VNCtalk explainer video can be found on our VNClagoon website.
VNCtalk is seamlessly integrated into our VNClagoon stack. Start a chat or audio / video call – by simply clicking on a user in VNCmail, VNCtask, VNCcontacts etc. Use the meta search across various VNCproducts to find all information related to the desired topic.
Please find more information on all our products on!
More information about the recent VNCtalk release can be found in our Blogpost:
Efficient Virtual Collaboration: VNCtalk – New Release 2.3.0